As the semester comes to a close, the Council for University Programs (CUP) chose its new executive board after results from the student organization’s elections were announced last night. Jason Piette, currently the financial affairs chair, will take over as president of CUP at the beginning of Summer I.
Other elected students include middler Janet Actis as the vice president for internal affairs, freshman Ella Newman for vice president of marketing, junior Kevin Roche as lectures chair, freshman Travis Weisberger and sophomore Michelle Kodz as Springfest Chairs, and middler Jeff Maimon and Kristina Grossmann as concert chairs. As the youngest person on e-board, Weisberger will face the challenges of making his presence felt and coordinating the largest student-run event, alongside Kodz.
Adriana Campos, this year’s Student Government Association (SGA) vice president for public relations and marketing, has accepted CUP’s vice president for collaboration position. Zoglio said she thinks the addition of Campos to the e-board is a plus.
“She has strengths because she did a similar job in SGA, connecting with different student groups,” Zoglio said.
CUP follows an application and interview process in which the general board has no particular say in who is elected. Current e-board members who will not be returning for a second year conduct interviews with faculty advisor Erin Dayharsh. This year these students included President Amanda Zoglio and Vice President for Marketing Chris Burns.
“The interviewers consisted of [Dayharsh] and any e-boarders that are not re-applying for a position next year,” Zoglio said. “So that was myself, Chris [Burns], Scott [Hultman], Andie [Rizzolo], and Andy [Sellars]. We generally ask [applicants] questions about what their ideas are for the position if they get it, what their impressions of CUP were over the year and about being in a leadership position.”