This past week Pope Benedict XVI made comments about Islam’s prophet Muhammad being “evil and inhuman,” and the Islamic religion “spread by the sword.” Frustrated and outraged, Muslims demanded an apology from Benedict. Muslims refused to accept a statement from the Vatican, who informed Muslims that he sends his regards if any one of them has been offended.
Many listen and are enlightened by Pope Benedict XVI, who has shown great achievement, prosperity and has a spiritual connection with God. Under the circumstances, the Pope should use sound judgement to not overlook the possible fury and violence that may occur because of his remarks. I ask this: Why quote from a medieval text if you don’t want that to pertain to your own opinion or views? Even Christians are questioning the Pope’s proposition, whether it would accommodate the teaching of Christianity and the morals that follow.
Afraid of retaliation on Christians in the Mideast, they are also seeking a resolution to the mishap.
The Pope’s comments were clearly an offense to the Muslim community. They identify the comments to be a new crusade against Muslims. Their hearts are left with a deep wound and won’t heal unless there is a clear apology. We know that Muslims have not been respected or appreciated. Regardless of the situation, they are still humans.
Not everyone has the same religion or the same God, so how can a powerful man such as the Pope, put down a religion because of their faith? The Pope is looked upon as God’s voice on Earth. We choose to be a follower or a non-believer. For some of us, we are believers in a religion from the time we are children until adulthood. The Pope must make decisions to acknowledge one’s faith and not be quick to judge.
– Charity Watkins is a sophomore criminal
justice major.