Patrick, Barack Obama to appear at Lewis field house Massachusetts Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Deval Patrick will host a campaign rally at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center field house Friday from 7 p.m to 9 p.m. Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois will also be in attendance at the rally, which is four days before the state election Nov. 7. Members of the NU Democrats will meet at the Ruggles T stop at 5 p.m. to travel to the center together. The Reggie Lewis center is located directly across from the Roxbury Crossing T stop on the orange line at 1350 Tremont St. According to the center’s website, the rally is expected to attract more than 2,000 people. For more information, contact Rose Arruda from the Reggie Lewis center at 617-869-3067.
– Jessica Torrez-Riley, News Staff
Barbeque, mechanical bull to invade campus The Student Government Association’s (SGA) “Unleash Your Voice” themed Campus Invasion on Nov. 7 will feature a mechanical bull and an afternoon barbeque. The event, which is scheduled to run from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the Speare, Krentzman, Centennial and Snell Library quads, serves as an opportunity for SGA to survey students on aspects of campus life. SGA will be giving away a pair of free, round-trip JetBlue airline tickets, and the first 500 students who complete a survey will receive a free t-shirt. All students are invited to attend the barbeque in front of the library, which will run from noon to 2 p.m.
– Ricky Thompson, News Staff
Greek organizations encouraging melanoma awareness Delta Phi Epsilon and Lambda Kappa Sigma will sponsor “Pale is the New Tan,” a campaign to raise awareness of melanoma cancer, on Nov. 8 at 6:30 p.m. in 300 Richards Hall. The event will include several speakers, including Delta Phi Epsilon President Alyson Pospisil, who was diagnosed with the cancer, which affects the skin, last summer and has since undergone two major surgeries in her effort to become cancer-free. “While it is not an easy experience for me to talk about, I am determined to put that aside to warn others about this spreading epidemic,” Pospisil said in an e-mail. “I would hate for anyone to suffer the same fate I have.” The event will also feature John Geltrude, founder of the Michael Geltrude Foundation, which promotes melanoma awareness and support research. Melanoma is considered the most deadly form of skin cancer. The letter-writing campaign will support the TAN Act, which, if passed, will enforce stricter warnings and age limitations at tanning salons.
– Ricky Thompson, News Staff
Food industry author to speak at School of Law today Michele Simon, author of the new book, “Appetite for Profit: How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Back,” will appear for a free book reading and signing at the Northeastern School of Law today from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The book, which describes local groups battling food lobbies, offers a guide to the public relations and lobbying tactics that food companies employ when dealing with the public, according to a release from the Massachusetts Public Health Association’s Food and Nutrition Section and the Public Health Advocacy Institute, which is sponsoring the event. For more information about the event, which will take place in room 94 of the Knowles Building, contact Roberta Friedman at 617-524-6696, x103.
– Ricky Thompson, News Staff
Brudnick Center to host int’l conference on violence The Brudnick Center on Violence is hosting an international conference on violence against immigrants Friday at the Egan Research Center. The day-long conference is open to all. It will be held from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Topics will include the nature of immigration in the 21st Century and a series of views from the field, including documenting violence against newcomers in the United States and violence against immigrants in Europe. For more information contact the Brudnick Center at 617-373-4987.
– Jessica Torrez-Riley, News Staff
Klotzbier addresses RSA, discusses student participation Vice President for Student Affairs Ed Klotzbier addressed the Resident Student Association (RSA) at its weekly meeting last Wednesday. Klotzbier praised the efforts of RSA and other student groups for reviving student participation in events like Homecoming. “I can’t tell you how excited I am to be a part of campus life,” he said, adding that the return of the Mayor of Huntington Avenue last year and having a live husky at events aided this effort. Klotzbier also discussed Co-op Connections, a department dedicated to helping students on co-op keep in touch with Northeastern. “We want to connect to our students on co-op. We want to bring campus life to them,” he said. Finally, Klotzbier discussed the beginning of the “100 Most Influential Seniors,” program, which is designed to “applaud those students that represent the best of Northeastern.”
– Brian Benson, News Staff