By Jessi Savino
The city once dubbed the “Hub of the Universe” has added a new credential.
In a recent study published by, Boston ranked No. 4 on a list of the “35 Drunkest Cities,” beating out reputed party cities like Las Vegas (14), New Orleans (24), and Miami (33).
Milwaukee, Minneapolis-St.Paul and Columbus, Ohio were named the three drunkest cities in the study, which was ranked according to summation of scores in five areas: state laws, number of drinkers, number of heavy drinkers, number of binge drinkers and alcoholism.
David Ewalt, who reported on the study for the website, said he credits Boston’s high ranking to the large population of college students.
“Students tend to drink more and more often, which can skew a city’s overall numbers,” Ewalt said. “College students are infamous for binge drinking behavior, so it’s quite possible that the high population of students is driving the city’s ranking higher.”
Freshman journalism major Elizabeth Mallon said she was not surprised by Boston’s high ranking and agrees with Ewalt’s reasoning.
“You get that many college kids in one area, they’re going to party and they’re going to drink,” Mallon said.
But it’s not just college students who drink a lot in Boston, said freshman criminal justice major Kate Kayes.
“It’s just such a young city with more business people in their twenties, and that’s the age where you’re most likely to drink,” Kayes said.
Freshman criminal justice major Jared Provost said he is not surprised Boston was ranked so high but said Boston’s position was rooted in the sports culture.
“There are lots of rowdy sports fans, very passionate about their sports, drinking [while watching the game],” he said.
The rating took some students by surprise.
“I’m shocked,” said middler nursing major Alex Lopresti. “Boston has a lot of college kids, so I guess that makes sense, but I can’t believe that it’s [ranked] higher than New Orleans or Vegas.”
Junior business major Gavin Crescenzo has mixed feelings. “I’m surprised that other cities aren’t ranked higher, but I’m not surprised that Boston is [ranked highly],” he said.
Crescenzo said he thought later closing hours at bars in places like New York City would have given that city a higher ranking.
“If you’re someone who doesn’t drink, you just won’t, if you’re someone who does, you will wherever you are,” he said. “It doesn’t matter where you live, it’s personal.”
Whether the figures rely on students partying, young professionals relaxing, or sports fans celebrating, Ewalt said the numbers all indicate an unforeseen risk to the leisurely climate.
“These rankings indicate