I am writing in response to your staff editorial Jan. 24 (“Inauguration madness?”) regarding the upcoming presidential inauguration. I am disappointed that The News underestimates the significance of this tradition in the life of colleges and universities.
These important ceremonial events provide the opportunity to show off the accomplishments, talent, spirit and commitment of our nation’s institutions. The installation ceremony is typically held during the new president’s first year and reminds us of our founding traditions, allows others to acknowledge Northeastern’s place in higher education, and provides our new president with the platform from which he will share his hopes and vision for our school.
The inauguration week is not about an individual. It is about Northeastern. Our faculty, students, alumni and staff will host colleagues and delegates from academic institutions from here and abroad. Each member of the Northeastern community is an ambassador whose portfolio includes the opportunity to share knowingly the exciting people and projects that are our university.
In thoughtfully preparing for the inauguration, the planning groups sought to balance the rich traditions associated with the event with discussions and other events exploring issues of importance to us all. It is my sincere hope that all members of the Northeastern community will choose to participate and that The News will help us encourage them to do so.
-Neal Finnegan is Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Northeastern University