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Commentary: Online housing system fails some students

As we all know, Northeastern is a big university, and sometimes things (or people) can fall through the cracks. While this is to be expected, it seems to happen an awful lot to me.

As a rising sophomore, I am planning to live on campus next semester. When I paid my housing deposit I was very confused – as were others I talked to – about the online process. It seemed very strange, with the “Add to Cart” option and everything. But I didn’t really think twice about it.

I was then shocked when I didn’t receive a letter from Residential Life in my mailbox last week, while all my friends were comparing lottery numbers and envisioning their suites or apartments for next year. Naturally, I started to get a little worried.

I was sure that I had applied. I specifically remembered doing it. There was no way I hadn’t done it.

The next morning, I immediately headed over to Speare to get all this straightened out. I talk to someone at the front desk who could not tell me very much, except that there was no way I had done it and I was now on the waiting list. This meant I was not guaranteed housing for the fall semester and would not find out about my situation until late April. By late April, it is virtually impossible to find an apartment near campus

This was not going to work out.

After many e-mails, impromptu stalking and a good deal of harassing certain members of the Speare staff, I was finally able to see someone who could help me. I was assured that I would get a number. After a week of stress and constant worry, I was told that this happens. Finally, some good news. John Byrne of Residential Life has officially made my week. I was told that from time to time, things happen that shouldn’t have happened and occasionally things are lost.

I am now just another Northeastern student who has fallen through the cracks of a big school and had to fight her way through the system to justice.

-Chelsea Reil is a freshman journalism major.

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