Tweeters you should follow

We don’t have to tell you Twitter is a pretty big deal. There’s no avoiding it, even if you don’t have an account. True, some find it annoying, but for some it’s a boredom killer, and for others it’s an obsession. If you’re one of the former, maybe this will persaude you otherwise; and if you fall into the latter two categories, here are some people you should be following. Honorable mentions go to @shitmydadsays, @commonsquirrel, @ConanOBrien and @donttrythis. Of course, the shameless plug goes to @HuntNewsNU. – Ashley Dean, News Staff

by Rachel Mercer, News Correspondent

@BostonTweet This citizen journalist, known as Tom O’Keefe in the real world, is 100 percent committed to keeping your news feed fresh and filled with amazing insights. Whether it’s a deal from the Duck Tours, a local bar review, a news update or an opening night, he’s often the first guy to report. He holds weekly competitions that promote local businesses while featuring regular giveaways which vary from free meals to apparel to tech goodies, or even free tickets.

@sockington Though you’re probably wondering why you should follow a cat on Twitter – or why there is a cat on Twitter – take a moment to understand. First of all, this cat (who is local, by the way) happens to have 1.5 million followers – that’s more followers than CNN, The Huffington Post, or Justin Bieber – which means that he’s producing content people like. Secondly, this cat is full of smart witty banter and commands said audience. Half the humor comes from various animal rivalries with his ever-grumpy roommate Penny and a diabolical parrot. His owner, @textfiles, is also an excellent source for tech-related news and has a similar penchant abusing the caps-lock button.

@eatBoston Not only are these the awesome geniuses behind the Bacon and Beer Festival ( – but they’re also the best source for free food giveaways, weekly food deals and, of course, excellent reviews. Foodies can also rejoice in links to such interesting facts as “Most Epic Flow Chart for Burger Rules” and ideas for revamping Domino’s online campaign to include OmNominos. These guys are also in touch with many local chefs and restauranteurs, and therefore typically have menu updates and behind the scenes information on tastings for you to get in on.

@awesomefound Ever had an incredibly crazy (or awesome) idea and never had the time or money to implement it? Well now you can give it a shot! This Boston-based organization, also known as the Awesome Foundation, releases monthly $1,000 grants in the interest of the “pursuit of Awesomeness.” Previous projects have included a giant 50-person hammock (soon to be installed at Jamaica Plain’s Arnold Arboretum), a cotton candy cannon, and a 30-day data visualization competition. Even if you’re not interested in their grants, their monthly parties not only include giant novelty checks, but also boast free beer and snacks – which is awesome in any situation.

@OverheardatNU For those of you who were never fans of Overheard Everywhere, Overheard at NU is exactly what it sounds like – things that people have overheard on the Northeastern campus. The twist? That they’re incredibly vapid, shallow or just plain silly comments. Now, though we’ve been quickly climbing the college rankings, it seems that kids still say the darndest things. Half of the hilarity comes from the fact that they slip into oft-discussed Northeastern stereotypes. Some gems include “I can’t be independent if my parents pay for everything” (trustafarians) and the hilarious quip of “start a ponzi scheme” that was in reply to a friend’s job loss woes (perhaps they were in the business school?).

@rustyrockets So far, we’ve only addressed local Twitter favorites, but it’s worth including a celebrity whose witty banter always cheers up my personal feed. Russell Brand, who was the host of the MTV movie awards and rock-star actor in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” is gloriously uncensored and uses his profile as a testing ground for his stand up comedy. His immense vocabulary and intellect coupled with raw humor make him a joy to follow, though I believe that his humor is much like that of Sarah Silverman’s – people will either be immensely entertained or just confused and grossed out. This follow is definitely dependent on personal preference.

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