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Letter to the Editor: Students still scolding the Patriot

The Northeastern Patriot report on the Ujima Scholars Program and subsequent letter (“The Patriot fires back,” May 9), by Dave Moberg, was grossly misguided to say the least – overtly prejudice to say the most. Not only was the original article that sparked this discourse completely erroneous, it has also painted a false image of the Ujima scholars.

The Patriot’s stance is “students, regardless of race, should not be admitted to a university if they do not meet the academic standards the rest of the school must adhere to.” This stance would be noteworthy if college admission was solely based on SAT scores. While colleges and universities have SAT requirements in place, it is not the defining factor for admittance. Schools take a holistic approach during the admissions process in order to procure a class of students that will socially, culturally and intellectually enrich the university.

This partial scholarship is not an invisibility cloak that can be draped around these students to protect them. If these students cannot meet their requirements once admitted, no amount of assistance can keep them here.

The Ujima Scholars, especially the scholars of 2008, have proven the university gambled wisely by investing in the program. The group of diverse students has inclusively enriched campus life and intellectual discourse at Northeastern. Can the same be said about the writers and supporters of The Patriot? I wouldn’t bet on it.

-Paolo Mesadieu is a junior international affairs and political science major.

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