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Letter to the Editor: Police crack down threatens rights

If they want to remain a legitimate governing body, the Northeastern Administration should consider halting the current guerilla warfare scare tactics they are performing on their students. The authority displayed by the administration expressed on Saturday, Sept. 15 explains the bleeding disconnect between the young and optimistic students and the grumpy, old administration.

While I empathize with a yearning for safety and order on campus expressed by the administration, the price of stripping students of their federally protected rights found in the United States Constitution, is indeed a mighty one.

Because of our allegiance (albeit at times a reluctant one) to this establishment, we have voluntarily put ourselves at the mercy of this Draconian administration. This is a shame. It is a shame to watch the erroding individual rights of friends, for a purpose suspiciously deemed ‘greater public safety.’

On Sept. 15, the Boston Police Department (BPD) and Northeastern’s heavy hitting Jeff Doggett formed an alliance and set out to prove the illegitimacy of the United States Constitution: “Amendment IV: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

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