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Letter to the Editor: Dining Hall leaves hungry students dissatisfied

After a long day of classes and lectures, the one thing I always on my mind is my stomach.

The dining halls at Northeastern have lines out the door, and tend to create another form of unnecessary stress in my life.

I am sure that everyone can relate to the frustration of long lines that lead to an overcrowded dining hall. The absence of seating during the peak hours of the day can leave you roaming aimlessly around the cafeteria. Just the thought of dealing with this daily during lunchtime makes me lose my appetite.

Comparing the service and selection of food from last year to this year, the pace in which things are done has changed. There is nothing more frustrating than to wait in line for that pasta you have been craving, only to find out they have run out and the line for the alternative just keeps on growing. Even though mistakes will happen, the inconvenience and the added time is unprofessional for any dining hall or even restaurant. The fact that ketchup and milk are not available on a regular basis creates stress for any Northeastern student.

For the amount of money each student pays and with the student body growing each year, the school should be prepared. The long line for food and to just get into the dining hall is something that should not become a common trend.

– Danny Deza is a sophomore international affairs and journalism major.

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