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Nixed shuttle leaves students at curb

With regards to the article “Plans for shuttle bus dismantled” (Sept. 27), I join those who share an overwhelming feeling of disbelief at how such a vital safety measure was brushed aside because of petty local politics.

As former president of the Student Government Association, I can tell you that this was an issue we adamantly supported throughout the 2006-2007 academic year. I worked alongside fellow students and supportive members of the administration in making sure this idea became a reality.

Vice President for Student Affairs Ed Klotzbier and Senior Vice President Philomena Mantella pioneered this project in the interests of student safety and their efforts were greatly appreciated. Let me also mention that Jim Ferrier and all of Northeastern University Police Safety do an incredible job of keeping the campus safe, yet their help can only go so far. The escort service is a great resource, but Mission Hill and Landmark Center areas fall outside the one mile range.

Now I come to learn that somewhere along the way the shuttle service fell through. I’m sure that when esteemed members of our local community were protesting this safety service, they brought up the celebratory riots of 2004 and the outrageous arrests being made on Mission Hill in recent weeks. I guarantee, however, that they conveniently forgot to bring up the two separate kidnappings of college-aged women in 2004.

As a refresher, these two girls were not Northeastern students, but were walking late at night in the Mission Hill area when they were abducted, beaten and raped at gun point by two men. Is this not reason enough for a shuttle service?

You don’t need a Northeastern education to know that another event of this magnitude needs to be prevented with all resources available. Another blast from the not-so- distant past brings me to last summer, when a Northeastern student was walking home through the Fenway after a night at Landmark Center. He was robbed at knife point and stabbed by the culprit. Luckily for him, he survived, but what if he hadn’t?

I also find it ironic that it’s Northeastern policy to have administrators ride around Mission Hill to ensure the arrest of a few “noisy” students, but when it comes to protecting the super-majority of law-abiding students up there, Northeastern is nowhere to be found. Students are told they are subject to Northeastern disciplinary rules on and off campus, but why isn’t Northeastern protecting its students on and off campus? NU must find a balance between punishing the trouble-makers and providing overall student safety.

Northeastern prides itself on its “urban advantage,” but this blessing is also our curse. Students are subjected to security issues most people never have to worry about in their lifetime. It’s Northeastern’s job to ensure that when parents send their sons and daughters here, they are being protected at all costs. This is especially true since Northeastern doesn’t provide an adequate number of on-campus housing units.

I hate to say it, but when, yes when, the next student is robbed, assaulted or worse on their way home from Mission Hill or the Landmark Center, I hope those vocal community members are able to sleep well at night. In this instance, Northeastern should be doing the taking, not the giving. This is a human safety issue, plain and simple.

-Rogan O’Hadley is a graduate of Northeastern, class of 2007 and former president of the Student Government Association.

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