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Sexcapades lightens serious issue

What is going on with The News? Is it going to be a trend to put garbage in the paper just because it’s coming out twice a week? In the Sept. 24 issue, in the Sex section, there were two articles side by side; one about a survivor of rape and one about having sex with women just to piss someone off. Are we serious?

How can anyone let Sexcapades be in the paper at all, and how can you put the article about rape in the sex section? People should be trying to stop individuals, like the author of Sexcapades, from making women a “target” and “picking a random girl” to have sex with. Did the author of the article really think of the consequences? Apparently not, considering he didn’t even know the woman’s name he was having sex with or remember what his ex-girlfriend’s body looks like.

On college campuses, one in four women are raped. Think about all the women you know. After college, one in five women are raped. Think about your family – your mother, your sister, your best friend. Think about this when you are making women a “target” just to piss your ex-girlfriend off, just because you “have issues with letting relationships go

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