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Letter to the Editor: NU should support Husky athletics

It is truly incredible how much the Northeastern administration underestimates the power of college sports. For years now, the constant threat of cutting sports programs, football in particular, has been lingering over the heads of our players and coaches, adding a sense of vulnerability where only stability should be seen. It is this background drone of cost-reduction that highlights the administration’s misunderstanding on the importance of collegiate sports.

President Joseph Aoun is from the University of Southern California (USC), a school known worldwide not for its academics but for its football team. Yet, when glancing at the latest copy of US News and World Reports, USC is ranked 27, substantially better than Northeastern’s rank of 96. USC attracts countless academically-strong students because of its football program, often attracting students who might otherwise attend schools of an even higher caliber.

Northeastern should not have to sacrifice sports to improve its academic standing. The fact is that having a solid athletic program will draw alumni donations, and with the apparent lack of stability in Northeastern’s athletic department, many alumni are afraid to contribute to a school that is not keeping their interests in mind.

Moreover, by publicly announcing these possible cuts nearly every year, the administration is guaranteeing situations in which coaches and players come to Northeastern and then leave in search of stability. Ron Everhart, a former Husky basketball coach, literally stole several of our recruits and took them to Duquesne University because of the uncertain future of Northeastern sports, among other (and substantially less savory) reasons.

Athletic Director Peter Roby, the spotlight’s on you. You need to show support for Husky athletics, support that shows the students you are a worthy successor to Dave O’Brien and support that fosters an environment where alumni want to give. It is not your job to complain about the lack of alumni giving and bemoan the financial state of our Athletic Department. It is your job to inspire alumni into giving more by proving your dedication to Northeastern athletics.

Do not blame and sacrifice our student-athletes and coaches for the situation Northeastern is in. It is not their fault the administration continues to undermine their winning seasons, their indomitable will to succeed and their undeniable Husky pride. Instead, move to reestablish the “never-say-die” spirit that once surrounded our athletic program and work to maintain and expand what we have.

– Marcus Moche is a middler mechanical engineering major.

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