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Letter to the editor: ‘Christian Machine’ influences Forks and Spoons

After opening last week’s paper, I was rather surprised to learn that the “Christian Machine” has officially hijacked The News (“Spirituality meets sexuality,” Nov. 19). As a longtime atheist, I find the Forks and Spoons to be extremely offensive.

Amid a sea of convoluted writing and meaningless Bible quotes I come across phrases like “God is so powerful,” “we were created to have a relationship with God” and, here’s the kicker, “those who don’t have God’s love can’t give love.” Exactly how am I supposed to interpret this anonymous News Staff member’s statements?

Because I don’t believe in something that lacks even a shred of supporting evidence, something that defies both common sense, logic and science, I’m destined to be loveless and alone? Wake up.

There are many people who live their lives completely free of fairy tales and delusions who are perfectly happy and are in loving and committed relationships. To demean these relationships with your Christian propaganda is truly uncalled for.

What it comes down to is that the article was in extremely poor taste. Myself, and fellow atheists, neither need nor appreciate this attempted indoctrination into Christianity.

– Timothy Dicesare is a middler electrical and computer engineering major.

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