I want to express my distaste for a casual comment Sen. John McCain made on national radio a few weeks ago.
I was driving to school at 6:45 a.m., and McCain was speaking during an interview on National Public Radio. The topic addressed was the scandal involving Mitt Romney’s accidental hiring of illegal immigrants to do his landscaping. When McCain was asked if he had any illegal workers on his property, he replied, “No, I do not have any Hispanics working for me. I have Americans, trust me.”
I was shocked with the statement. There are several things wrong here. Worst of all is the clear distinction being made between Hispanics and Americans. To use “Americans” to mean white is wildly offensive. I’m surprised at the lack of public outcry. As an American, I believe we must defend our image.
Americans are not only white, Latino/a or Asian. They are not only old or young, Republican or Democrat. Americans are a people bound by the belief that every person should be treated with respect and dignity.
I don’t even think American should necessarily mean American citizen. I believe that the term should apply to anyone located in this great country, willing to support and defend it and dedicated to order and peace.
– Jeff Rosenspan is a candidate for a Juris Doctor in the School of Law.