I would just like to say a few words regarding the recent Letters to the Editor from Northeastern students concerning the print quota, opt-out renewable energy fee and other minor complaints. Allow me to broaden your horizons from the minor inconveniences you suffer on a daily basis to take a look at some real problems.
You are upset that you have to pay for additional pages above the 400 sheet allowance. At least you have an allowance. The university could just as easily force you to purchase your own printer, ink cartridges and paper for printing, but instead provides a service to students to make your lives a little bit easier.
You complain that you’ll have to opt-out of another fee for renewable energy, but at least it’s optional and not mandatory.
You should be appreciative of the fact that you can go to college, unlike millions of Americans who are lucky if they even graduate from high school. You are more privileged than most. You have health insurance. You have heat during the winter. You don’t live off food stamps. You aren’t sleeping on the streets. You take so much for granted, you can’t even appreciate that your basic needs are being met.
Ask yourselves this: In the big scheme of things, are 400 sheets of paper really that important?
– Lisa Hendricks is a middler communication studies major.