RSA elects president, housing vice president The Resident Student Association (RSA) began the election of its next executive board last week and will continue to hold elections at weekly meetings for the next three weeks. The first election was March 12 at the general council meeting and they voted for RSA president and vice president of housing services. For president, Kristina Cecil successfully ran unopposed after another nominee, Katya Carmen, declined a nomination, which she initially accepted, due to a lack of preparation, she said. For vice president of housing services, Matthew Soleyn ran against James O’Brien. Soleyn won. The next election will be Wednesday, March 19 at 7 p.m. when they will vote for vice president of financial aid and vice president of administration. The last two elections will take place March 26 for vice president of programming and national communications coordinator, and April 2 for SGA representative and alumni affairs coordinator. – Kate Augusto, News Staff
HEAT hosting energy-saving competition The Husky Energy Action Team (HEAT) is hosting Do It in the Dark, a residence hall energy saving competition. The competition, which is being coordinated along with Residence Life and the facilities department, began yesterday and will last through April 6. The facilities department will monitor electricity usage in each residence hall during the contest and students will be able to view the amount conserved in each residence hall on HEAT’s website. Other schools around the nation, including Tufts, Harvard, Williams College and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, are hosting similar competitions. This is the second year Northeastern will participate in the competition. Last year Loftman Hall won, and all of the residents were awarded with a party hosted by their resident assistants.
– Kate Augusto, News Staff