President George W. Bush recently vetoed H.R. 2082, the Intelligence Authorization bill, which prevents the Central Intelligence Agency and other US agents from using waterboarding, sexual humiliation, dogs and other techniques that amount to torture and ill-treatment.
I continue to be shocked and disappointed by the President’s actions in the “war on terror.” We can fight terror and bring those responsible to justice in ways that respect the basic human rights everyone is entitled to. Torture is wrong in any circumstance and only serves to increase worldwide hatred and distrust of the United States. President Bush believes he can do anything he wants by intimidating citizens with fears of terror attacks, and sadly it appears to be working.
I am ashamed that my government refuses to outlaw torture, and I hope my fellow Americans are as well. If you want change, start today by telling others and writing to your government.
– Andy Pickering is a senior physics and geology major.