I have to say that Sen. Barack Obama, a candidate who many claim exists solely as words, is saying exactly what I’d like to hear. His speech March 18 was one of the most inspirational oratories I have ever heard, and its breadth and powerful language instilled in me something politics rarely creates: hope.
Obama spoke of race in America, yet that was not the true topic of his speech. Instead, he used a highly controversial subject to talk about perfection, and, ultimately, one of the founding principles of our nation: the pursuit of happiness.
No other candidate in the race has done this. Hillary Clinton now seems almost like a joke, a continuation of traditional politics where politicians placate constituents during elections: running campaigns on polls, not ideals. Her upcoming fundraising concert with Elton John seems desperate. It is as though her message, her politics and her person are incapable of bringing in the support she requires, so she must turn to gimmicks like celebrity benefit concerts to garner fundraising. Obama has not had this problem. His support has come solely from his words and actions.
Clinton speaks of her experience, of how her eight years as First Lady and an additional eight years in the Senate have given her the necessary skills needed to bring about change. Yet, I question her experience. Her loyalty to one of the most corrupt politicians in the last decade is inexcusable. Her husband, President Bill Clinton, lied to the American public as president. I question the morals of someone who not only supports liars, but uses them in key portions of a campaign.
Experience is something that Obama lacks, yet his naivete is actually attractive to me. Through his words, Obama espouses the entrepreneurial spirit to find problems and address them directly. His intelligence, I feel, will allow him to tackle any obstacle during a four-year presidential term. And intelligence is something the White House drastically needs.
The United States began, in many ways, as a political experiment. Few in Europe expected it to last long, but our history is one of the constant pursuit of unattainable perfection.
Northeastern: this November, let’s continue to strive for perfection by continuing the experimental attitude of our forefathers and electing Obama.
– Daniel Bostwick is a freshman computer science major and member of The News staff.