As one of the two students who hung the “Support International Co-Ops Abroad, Not London Apartments” sign outside of the Service Recognition dinner last week, I would like to thank President Joseph Aoun for his acknowledgement during his conversation with The News.
However, I cannot help but ask why President Aoun, if he “loved” our poster and our cause, allowed four law enforcement officials to tear down our sign, take our identification and question us for 15 minutes after the sign had been hung for a mere five seconds. Since the incident happened outside of the glass front of the Curry Student Center, it is obvious that Aoun, and the rest of the attendees, saw this altercation and allowed it to happen.
I would like Aoun to know that this week I was forced to withdraw my plans for an international co-op in Thailand this fall because the financial support was just not there. The scholarships for international co-op that are available through the College of Arts and Sciences are so slight that they would barely cover my airfare. As an international affairs major, it is frustrating to hear administrators at this university constantly praising an international co-op program that I am unable to take full advantage of, especially when Northeastern’s mission statement says this university strives to “create and translate knowledge to meet global and societal needs.”
How will Northeastern be able to meet this goal if students are unable to take civic engagement, non-profit and human services positions? With significant tuition increases in the past two years, it is discouraging to me that because of financial reasons I am still unable to take advantage of the experiential education opportunities that initially drew me to this institution.
The College of Arts and Sciences is the largest college at this university, and we must receive more funding and support from the administration to become the successful professionals we have the potential to be. I have met so many students with a passion to work for positive social change, and I know these people would help transform the world if only they had the support.
The time to invest in international programs is now; enrollment in international affairs has nearly doubled in the past two years and the number of Dialogue of Civilizations programs offered has more than tripled since 2006.
I urge Aoun and his administration to act on their words and provide support and funding for international opportunities – the future of this university and the world depends on it.
– Madison MacLean is a junior international affairs and political science major.