In his recent interview with The News, President Joseph Aoun said, “International co-op is the best approach for our students to take advantage of something we do in a unique way.”
In my efforts to pursue the unique opportunity of international co-op, I have found that the financial support for students is next to nothing. International co-op is not free, and for our university to pride itself on the global opportunities is casting a shadow on the “less-affluent” student body.
Do not forget the history and foundation of Northeastern and its co-op program; it was a blue-collar institution where the co-op program helped to assist students in paying for higher education. Today, our university is continuing to rapidly expand, increasing tuition, but falling short in providing the financial backup some students need to have a full Northeastern experience.
Now the emphasis is on international co-op, but only if you can afford it.
In my personal search for an international co-op, I have recently been hired by the International Crisis Group in Bogota, Colombia. The competitiveness of landing this self-made co-op aside, I will not be able to go in July if I do not have financial assistance from Northeastern. After speaking with several members of the faculty, it is not an issue of agreeing to provide more opportunities for more students, it is operational challenges that are the daunting task that lay in the future of Northeastern.
Students’ tuition money cannot be forgotten and invested only in goals that we will not see tomorrow; we are the future alumni of Northeastern. I have been shuffled around, like so many other students have, because there is nothing in place to help alleviate the costs of international co-op. Many students interested in civic engagement are facing these problems and we must refuse to be shuffled any longer.
Northeastern needs to establish a student fund designated for international co-op to alleviate some of the costs of working abroad. If Northeastern wants to hail our name around the world, we need to make global opportunities more accessible to the diverse student body.
The International Affairs Society has been collecting signatures for a petition students can sign to demand making international co-op more accessible for more students. If you agree or have similar stories, feel free to comment at
– Emily Turner is a middler international affairs and president of the International Affairs Society.