I recently returned from Thailand as part of a university Dialogue of Civilization program. While I was there, I fell in love with the culture, the people and the country in general. I found the Thai’s approach to energy conservation interesting.
There was no air conditioning in houses (despite the intense heat), or dishwashers. The lack of flush toilets saved water, and food was refrigerated sparingly. Clothes were normally washed by hand. People turn off the water in the shower while they’re shampooing their hair. Most people drive mopeds because gas costs between $5.50 and $6 a gallon.
This lifestyle took a while to get used to, but I found it to be a rewarding way to live. Soon, it became second nature and I didn’t think twice about it.
Many people say that when you visit a different country, you can suffer from culture shock. I found the culture shock when I returned to the United States much more disturbing. Besides a great lack of pad thai in my life, the way Americans consume energy is unsettling.
I realized it the most when I returned to campus. Walking around at night, I saw that many of the lights were on in the buildings, including ones that weren’t in use. Is this really necessary? I understand the need for a well-lit campus and I appreciate it, especially when walking around at night. But is it necessary to have the lights on in the John D. O’Bryant African-American Institute on the second floor all night? I think not.
Also, everyone loves the fountains on campus, but do they really need to be running all the time? It is an incredible waste of water for such a cosmetic aim.
I think the water-saving toilets that can be found in some places (like Ryder Hall) are a start and the Husky Energy Action Team does a lot of great work on campus, but for a university that is supposed to be on the cutting edge of all things new, isn’t is time Northeastern jumped on the eco-friendly bandwagon?
– Chelsea Reil is a middler journalism and Spanish major and member of The News staff.