As you returned to campus this fall, it was hard to miss the renovations to the indoor quad of the Curry Student Center (CSC) and the construction of Gallery 360. Referred to as the ‘living room of campus’ in the CSC mission statement, the CSC is more than just a place to get food or a pass-through from one side of campus to another. Its purpose is to be a gathering place where all students can be comfortable; an inviting space for student groups, students studying, eating and hanging out with friends and colleagues.
The renovations this summer, which included new carpet, paint, furniture and electrical outlets, were intended to make this space more welcoming, comfortable and easier to use.
When opened next week, Gallery 360 will become a showcase for artwork created by students, faculty, staff, the community and other renowned artists.
Although the renovations to the indoor quad were completed in less than two weeks, the decisions regarding these renovations were neither quick nor easy. The Student Center Governing Board, the sole governing body of the CSC, spent many meetings debating what should be included in the renovations and what the highest priorities were. After submitting the Board’s recommendation to Dean of Campus Life Marina Macomber, it was determined that the indoor quad and art gallery would be the focus of this past summer’s changes. The Board reviewed several options and revisions of floor plans for both the indoor quad and Gallery 360 and brought in sample furniture to see what you, the users of the space, preferred. The Board worked with the designer to ensure your feedback was heard.
Now that the indoor quad and art gallery renovations are nearly completed, it is time to look toward continuing the renovations on the upper floors. Not only will the Board be looking at the visual and comfort aspects of the upper floors, but it will also be considering the possible use of the open spaces in the building. As we start working toward these renovations, we want to hear from you. What do you use this space for? What do you like and what do you not like in the current space?
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any comments or suggestions you may have at [email protected]. If you would like to see first-hand how the Board impacts the users of the CSC and helps make upcoming renovation decisions, there are seats available on the Student Center Governing Board. If you are interested, you can find more information about the Board at
-Ryan Fox is a middler electrical and computer engineering major, chair of the Student Center Governing Board and the vice president for student services of the Student Government Association.