The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News



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Nothing to be patriotic for

In response to the April 2nd letter about patriotism, I must start off by saying I am not patriotic. Victoria Comella was quite distinct about describing the words that she wanted everyone to hear, but the dictionary also describes the word freedom as “a right or the power to engage in certain actions without control or interference.” Tell that one to peaceful protesters as they are herded into jails in Chicago, on the first day after the bombing. Or the Oakland protesters who were shot with wooden bullets. Or how about in Oregon or Minnesota where legislation is being considered to make political protesting a crime, carrying a jail sentence of up to 25 years. When someone tells me to be patriotic I ask the simple question: patriotic for what? Must I believe it is patriotic when the entire Bush administration and their corporate cohorts are profiting by killing civilians in Iraq? I say no.

It seems that since Sept. 11, the word “patriotism” has become a meter stick. It’s boiled down to who has more stars and bars on their underwear and how many times we can scream out “USA!” I’ll admit now, Comella, you are probably beating me in both departments. When I look back at what the United States government has done the last several years, I am disgusted. From the racist Patriotic Act, to a tax cut for the rich, to lying to the world and it’s own people, to sending its sons and daughters off to kill for oil. No, this isn’t a war for the American people. This isn’t a war to “defend America.” The United States could not prove validity for this war to the world nor could they produce one document that wasn’t forged or plagiarized. If you want confirmation of the last fact I suggest you read something outside of American media.

Just as Bush and Blair’s arguments for this war are full of holes, so too are your justifications. My Jewish friends and I were thoroughly insulted when you brought up the Holocaust in defense of war. History lesson, Comella: the United States knew what was happening in Germany and it did nothing except appoint an Anti-Semite to oversee immigration into the United States from Europe. This resulted in scores of Jewish immigrants being turned away from the US and sent back to their fates in Europe. On top of that, American corporations traded with Germany throughout WWII. Ford, ITT, GM and many more were more than willing to sacrifice their “patriotism” for profit. We must also ask, why was there never any mission by the United States to bomb the railway tracks that lead to the concentration camps? After all, according to you Comella the US government doesn’t want our fellow man to suffer. Why, then, did the US stand by while the Jews were left to suffer?

Finally Comella, here’s another word you should know: Holocaust is defined as “great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life.” Considering how the war is going in Iraq compounded with the over 1 million deaths resulting from UN sanctions on the country, I would call what’s going on now another holocaust. A holocaust by the United States government against the people of Iraq.

No, I am not a patriot of the United States government. I will forever fight what is wrong with the world and especially with the American government. However, my real question is do you know your facts? I officially challenge you and the rest of the Republicans to a debate about the war. I personally believe you are too wrapped up in your own patriotism to know actually what is going on. If you want to prove me wrong feel free.

– Ben Larrivee is a sophomore chemistry major and a member of the International Socialist Organization.

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