By the end of this week, “it” will finally be up.
Senior Vice President Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Philomena Mantella has finally taken the initiative that has failed the administration for so long, creating a rape crisis counselor position to be filled as soon as possible.
There is no doubt that the student body, led by SGA President Michael Romano, smelled the blood in the water a long time ago, knowing that the administration had little room for error when it came to such an important campus topic. Nobody can debate the seriousness of rape, so therefore, it would be hard to defend the lack of campus resources to deal with the issue.
But do not expect the mere posting of a position to calm the masses. The resources for victims of sexual crimes on this campus are almost non-existent. The Northeastern University Counseling and Mental Heath Services Review, conducted this past spring, listed a bevy of improvements the school must make to merely become adequate at dealing with students in need.
These recommendations go from establishing an integrated point of entry (simply make it clear where to go if you have been sexually assaulted) to establishing a mental heath consultation system with 24-hour availability. The report notes that this project would require “the development of systems to support it, including a clear means of accessing after-hours consolation via a pager system.” The review even listed that the lack of services resonated deep within the student body, who may be reassured now that NU has created the post, but again, this action was a long time coming.
Simply put, one rape crisis counselor housed in the Lane Heath Center does not even begin address the deeper need of an entire rape crisis center and a 24-hour hotline, for those who are not raped between Monday and Friday during the hours of 9 to 5.
It’s a start, but look to the student leaders of Northeastern to carry the issue on their backs until the finish.