Jack-O-Lantern Cookies Makes 20 Cookies 9 oz Chocolate wafer cookies 1/2 cup Peanut butter; smooth 24 oz Vanilla flavor almond bark Orange paste food coloring Black licorice candy Spread a small amount of peanut butter on the flat side of the cookies; top with remaining cookies. Cut licorice into triangles and squares to make faces. Melt almond bark following package directions. Remove from heat and tint with food coloring. Using tongs, dip each sandwich cookie in melted candy, coating completely.Gently shake each cookie to remove excess coating. Place on wire rack with waxed paper underneath. Place licorice pieces on the cookies for faces. Cool completely before removing from rack.
Candy Apples Makes 12 apples 12 apples 3 cups granulated sugar 1 cup corn syrup 1 cup water 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp. red food coloring Wash and dry the apples; then firmly insert a wooden meat skewer or stick in stem end. Lightly grease a baking sheet. In a saucepan, combine the sugar, corn syrup and water. Heat the mixture, stirring constantly, until the sugar dissolves. Cover and bring to a boil. Boil, uncovered and without stirring, until a few drops in cold water separate into threads (300 degrees Fahrenheit on a candy thermometer, if you have one). Blend in cinnamon and red food coloring. Remove from heat. Tip saucepan and dip apples in syrup turning to coat evenly. Place on prepared baking sheet and let sit for at least 45 minutes to harden.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
3 tbsp. salt Water 2 cup fresh pumpkin seeds, washed
Bring 1 1/2 cups water to a boil. Add salt and continue cooking until it dissolves. Pour this mixture over pumpkin seeds. Cover and let stand at room temperature for 24 hours. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Drain seeds and spread thinly on a large baking sheet. Roast until seeds are dry ( can take up to an hour), turning and stirring every 15 minutes.