College is the time of our lives when we are supposed to find our true identity and shape into the person we will ultimately become. If you think about it, this is a hard task to accomplish between the ages of 18-23.
Just think back when you were in high school and thought you knew everything. Now, fast forward a couple of years to freshman year in college when you really thought you knew something because you were free of parental restraints, and finally, where you want to be. Now, skip a couple of chapters ahead to middler year, only to discover you still don’t know much.
At least this is true in my case. Every year I complete at Northeastern, I am amazed by the amount of knowledge I gain, deeming each year as my year of growth, only to find out that this growing experience is never going to end. I’m sure once I reach my final year, I will find myself looking back on past years and wondering what would have possessed me to take some of the actions I did.
This leads me to the point of my column. This weekend, a couple of my girlfriends and I came to the realization that we need to re-evaluate our thinking process and program more to the tune of men.
Why would we do something like this you ask? Just listen. Why is it that most women come to college thinking that we are going to find our husband, the father of our children sitting in the chair next to us in our math class? Or why is it that we have to take our relationships so seriously?
Most men come here with the right intentions. I’m not talking about those men who are enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences and are here to study a woman’s anatomy. I am referring to those individuals who come here with the game plan in mind to have fun and enjoy their college experience to the fullest. No, this school of thought is not limited to men, but is often seen in them more than in their female counterparts.
Do you ever notice that when a guy and girl break up, the girl has to have all her friends console her and tell her that everything is going to be okay, and convince her that he was a jerk and it never would have worked?
Most women walk around like the living dead for the first few days or weeks of a fresh wound to the heart, whereas, most men let it roll off their backs. Their thoughts go to how they are now going to save money and not have to remember non-important dates, such as anniversaries and birthdays, and he now has the opportunity to go do his thing and be man.
I’m not trying to make men out to be unsympathetic creatures, it’s just that they suppress their pain when woman are more open with it. It’s no longer about them like Mya says, “It’s all about me.”
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