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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Editorial Cartoon

November 11, 2010

UHCS warns about Four Loko

November 4, 2010
University Health and Counseling Services (UHCS) sent a campus-wide e-mail Monday regarding the dangers of the popular beverage Four Loko. The message, sent with the subject line “Four Loko health and safety concerns,” addressed negative consequences of mixing caffeine with alcohol and urged students to avoid significant consumption of the drink.

Fair-labor goods in bookstore

November 4, 2010
Northeastern’s Bookstore now features clothing by Alta Gracia, a factory in the Dominican Republic where workers are paid enough money to provide for themselves and their families. The workers at the Alta Gracia factory in Villa Altagracia, Dominican Republic are paid $3 per hour, or more than three times the local minimum wage. This allows workers to escape poverty and make better lives for themselves by being able to acquire adequate food, shelter, clothing, health care and educational opportunities for themselves and their families.

Faculty Senate to alter handbook

November 4, 2010
President Aoun announced at yesterday’s Faculty Senate meeting that Northeastern University’s faculty handbook will be changing in the near future to implement more relevant policies and improve its usefulness for the university community as a whole. Aoun presented an overview of improvements and changes in the university. In his speech, he said it is important for the university to continue to innovate and evolve, otherwise it will fall behind other schools who are trying to do the same.

SGA creates Facebook page for feedback

November 4, 2010
Last Sunday, the Student Government Association (SGA) launched a new project, the mission of which can be summed up by its tagline: “It’s your money, tell us how you want to see it spent on and around campus.” At the time of press, more than 750 people “liked” the Facebook page, titled “Having a Say in How Northeastern Tuition and Fees Are Spent.” SGA President Ryan Fox said he conceived the idea for this forum, where students have the opportunity to share their concerns and suggest changes they would like to see happen on campus.

YMCA space will turn into new dorm for Sept. 2013

October 28, 2010
Northeastern University officials announced plans Friday to work with Phoenix Property Company to construct a new 16-story residence hall for students on Huntington Avenue to open in September 2013.

NU green rank up

October 28, 2010
The latest College Sustainability Report Card, which provides sustainability profiles of hundreds of colleges in the US and Canada, recognized Northeastern’s latest efforts to become a greener institution. Northeastern was given an A-, an upgrade from last year’s B+ in the survey, released yesterday.

Large grants go to health science

October 28, 2010
Northeastern has received $25 million in grants since the start of this academic school year. More than half of this money, close to $16 million, went to the Health Sciences department for research projects about nanomedicine and cancer treatments.

Husky Happenings

October 28, 2010
College Republicans and Democrats debate: Affirmative Action, environmental policies, social programs and tax cuts will be among topics debated from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. tonight in 335 Shillman Hall by Northeastern students in an event sponsored by Northeastern University College Democrats and Northeastern University College Republicans. The debate will be held in association with Political Week.

Possible stabbing on campus

October 21, 2010
A person was stabbed near campus around 1:36 p.m. The identities of the victim and the perpetrator are still unconfirmed. The victim was stabbed outside of a “cafe,” according to the report by ABC News channel five, which used footage of Au Bon Pain’s outdoor seating area. Employees working this evening could neither confirm nor deny these allegations. The Northeastern University Division of Public Safety declined to comment on the incident. The Boston Police Department could not be reached for comment. According to Fox News 25, no arrests have been made. ABC reported that the victim walked to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the Longwood area for treatment. More details will be released as they become available.

Grants increase

October 21, 2010
Northeastern received $81.9 million in research grants this year, a $14.7 million jump from the last academic year. Research on campus, stressed President Joseph Aoun in his State of the University Address, is an important factor in the university’s growth. “Northeastern research has been a success story,” said Michael Armini, senior vice president of external affairs. “Four years ago, government backed funding for research [at Northeastern] was at around $44 million. … Today, that number has almost doubled to $82 million.”