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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Commentary: Poli sci advisors: Get better jobs, now

February 22, 2005

By Jason Zaler As you read this, many students are beginning to get the hang of their new co-op jobs. They are becoming friendly with their bosses and co-workers and know how to find the smallest items in the office supply closet. While most students have become more comfortable...

Puck bounces right for UNH

February 22, 2005

After nearly 20 minutes of play, and down 2-0 to the nation's eighth-ranked team, Northeastern was hoping that at the very least, the puck would start to bounce its way. The puck did bounce its way around the Husky end of the ice in the final 30 seconds of the first period...

Hockey East losses send women further into hole

February 22, 2005

By Gayle Simone The Huskies fell further behind in their goal of making the Hockey East playoffs when the University of Maine swept them this past weekend in Orono, Maine. The Black Bears used their home ice, Alfond Arena, to their advantage when they outscored the Huskies,...

Column: The Life and Times

February 22, 2005

By Justin Rebello Thank God for SGA. Sure, they failed in every facet imaginable to keep tuition down for next year, but hey, we the students did get something out of all this. A tree. It's a tuition hike, Charlie Brown! I'm just curious, what exactly does SGA do? I'm probably...

BU braces to get ‘Boinked’ at the Roxy

February 22, 2005

By Caitlin Gambee and Ami Van Wygerden Harvard dropping its controversial "H-Bomb" sex magazine caused a minor bang compared to the explosion Boston University's sex magazine "Boink" set off Thursday night at the Roxy. Outside the club, anxious college students waited in...

Student center’s director enters 30th year

February 22, 2005

As the Curry Student Center celebrates its 40th birthday this month, Director of Operations Bob Grier is celebrating his own milestone - 30 years as an employee of the student center. Over the years, he said he has watched the student center grow and flourish as a destination...

Less than Jake accepts bid for Springfest

February 22, 2005

By Bianca Strzelczyk Ska band Less than Jake has accepted the Council for University Programs' (CUP) bid for this year's Springfest concert and is currently in the process of negotiating and finalizing contracts with the university, according to a CUP member who wished to remain...

Faced with a choice

February 22, 2005

By Stephanie Peters After weeks of anxiously checking the mailbox, the news Tampa, Fla. resident Zo

Political Science co-ops

February 22, 2005

Perhaps the commentary last week by Jason Zaler was putting the blame where it does not lie. Yes, the Political Science co-op department does have many problems, but, I feel (and perhaps others do as well) that it is not necessarily the fault of Mr. Lee or Mr. Wray. Northeastern...

Culture shock

February 22, 2005

There is no dunk tank, no cotton candy, no ferris wheel.

cultural centers

February 22, 2005

Dear Editor, I am all for the University to support the minority groups on campus. Being a minority myself I understand how being in a new environment where people are of different diverse backgrounds can be intimidating and overwhelming at times. What I fear is happening...

40 years in the making

February 22, 2005

By Ricky Thompson A patchwork of flags representing all 191 members of the United Nations serves to represent the university's "diverse and international campus," as the school celebrates the Curry Student Center's 40th year of operation. "I think it's going to be a very exciting...