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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Poet Laureate visits NU

May 6, 2003

By Kaitlin Thaney On Friday, May 2, at 8 p.m. Northeastern University was graced with the presence of, according to some, an American phenomenon. Seen on the same pedestal as poet Robert Frost, Billy Collins, the U.S. Poet Laureate, astonished the packed Blackman Auditorium...

Nightmare on Huntington Ave.

May 6, 2003

Since I have lost my identity as a normal human being and am currently known as "the semester conversion girl," as one of my fellow peers shouted out in the student center recently, I figured why not share some personal information with you, the reader. Plagued not only by...

Access to West Campus buildings may be restricted

May 6, 2003

By Kaitlin Thaney In the past, residents of West Villages A, B and C could sign into other buildings in their complex, however, their access may soon be limited. The changes may include limiting access at certain times of day, a crack-down on security thought to have resulted...

Dogs drown Seawolves

May 6, 2003

By Max Lederman A horrendous start to their 2003 campaign had the baseball team near the bottom of the conference with a 2-6 record. Eventually, one figured, things had to change for last year's America East championship finalists. Maybe, just maybe, that revolution is upon...

Lending A Helping Hand

May 6, 2003

All I heard was the constant tapping of phone keys, the sounds of phones hanging up and the murmer of college students, These are the sounds that filled the small office space for two hours of a non-stop phone-a-thon. Our mission was to contact people for an annual walk for...

Summer semesters may cause orientation problems

May 6, 2003

Every student has gone to it and through it -- orientation. Though the incoming freshman, the class of 2008, will not directly feel the effects of semester conversion, the program that introduces them to Northeastern University will. The Director of New Student Orientation,...

Northeastern Crime Log

May 6, 2003

By Kaitlin Thaney Crime Log Entry of the Week Thursday, May 1 10 p.m. A person leaving the library set off the book security device, which indicated that an item from the library was still in their bag. When asked to wait, the person ran and left their bag outside. Inside...

Give Eustachy a hand

May 6, 2003

Larry Eust-achy has resigned as Iowa State basketball coach this week. He will probably be forgotten in a couple of weeks, and most likely will not be able to find another job in the next few years. In case you haven't heard, Eustachy was caught at a fraternity party and pictures...

Proud to be a Husky

May 6, 2003

By Briyah Paley Despite the clouds and rainy weather, last Thursday the Curry Student Center was filled with students getting their free T-shirts and scarfing down hot dogs and ice cream sandwiches. "It's been crazy," said Marissa Fantasia, a freshman nursing major who was...

Questioning SGA

May 6, 2003

The Student Government Association has revamped its constitution and bylaws. Nothing major, at least to the average student, has changed. The larger changes are on the horizon, especially when direct elections are on Joe Student's plate as soon as next year. However, before...

RSA makes bid for regional conference at NU

May 6, 2003

By Meryl Roche The Resident Student Association (RSA) will present a bid at North Carolina State University Memorial Day weekend to hold a regional conference at Northeastern on Nov. 14-16. According to Scott Minkin, the national communications coordinator and the conference...

Gov. Romney speaks to students

May 6, 2003

By Steve Babcock Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney made his first appearance on campus Tuesday in Blackman Auditorium to lay out his plan to increase the availability of affordable housing in the Commonwealth. The lack of affordable housing, which Romney said was equal with...