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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

Crime Logs

Northeastern Crime Log

February 4, 2003

By Kaitlin Thaney Crime Log Entry of the Week Monday, Feb. 3 4 p.m. Resident Hall Staff on the fourth floor of White Hall responded to a student complaint about the heating system in the room not working properly. When the RA went to check out the situation, they found...

Northeastern Crime Log

January 28, 2003

By Kaitlin Thaney Crime Log Entry of the Week Saturday, Jan. 25 1:23 a.m. A Resident Assistant in Davenport A was making rounds when he discovered a loud party on the fifth floor. Upon further investigation, the RA found several underage students, both male and female,...

Northeastern Crime Log

January 21, 2003

By Kaitlin Thaney Crime Log Entry of the Week Monday, Jan. 20 8:30 a.m. A fire was reported in Smith Hall in a second floor room. A female resident had been smoking in her room and using a soda bottle as an ashtray.

Northeastern Crime Log

January 14, 2003

Crime Log Entry of the Week Thursday, Jan. 9 10 p.m. An officer patrolling Columbus Lot saw a group of young men taking items from the trunk of a car and putting them into backpacks. Once the students went on their way, the officer stopped and questioned them. The students...

Northeastern Crime Log

January 8, 2003

By Kate Daneau Crime Log Entry of the Week Saturday, Dec. 7 4 a.m. An RA reported that a drunk 18-year-old female student was vomiting in a mens room on the third floor of White Hall. The underage student allegedly admitted she drank vodka at an off-campus apartment but...

Northeastern Crime Log

December 3, 2002

Crime Log Entry of the Week Monday, Nov. 25 11:50 a.m. A female student in the Marino Center reported that a man had been following her around, standing near her and glaring at her. She said that this had happened on a number of occasions. As officers were talking with her,...

Northeastern Crime Log

November 19, 2002

By Kate Daneau Crime Log Entry of the Week Monday, Nov. 18 11 p.m. A 21-year-old female student in West Village E reported that she had been physically and mentally abused by one of her visitors. She and her visitor, a 49-year-old homeless woman who had been living with...

Northeastern Crime Log

November 12, 2002

Crime Log Entry of the Week Friday, Nov. 8 4 p.m. A 21-year-old female student reported that after leaving her purse unattended on the second floor of Snell Library for about 15 minutes, her wallet was missing. Later in the evening, she discovered that a book that had also...

Crime Log

November 5, 2002

Entry of the Week Sunday, Nov. 3 10:30 a.m. A female resident of West Village C reported that a male student who lives down the hall had been visiting in her apartment when he became disorderly. She believed he may have been on drugs, and asked him to leave. Once he left,...