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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Grizfolk opens for Bastille at Agganis Arena

Grizfolk opens for Bastille at Agganis Arena

October 16, 2014
Bastille’s North American tour reached the Agganis Arena at Boston University on Columbus Day, featuring emerging electric rock group Grizfolk as their opening act.
NU adds tribal elements to Greek tragedy

NU adds tribal elements to Greek tragedy

October 16, 2014
Dark figures walk onto the small studio stage. Third year theatre major Floris Liu, covered in ghostly facepaint, begins singing a haunting tune – a converted chorus speech – before Antigone (senior theatre major Toni Oggioni), runs out to greet her sister Ismene (junior theatre major Jillian Goeler). With blonde dreadlocks trailing down her back, Oggiono cries out her first angsty lines of the Sophocles’ Greek classic “Antigone,” Northeastern Theatre Department’s first production of the semester.
Event Calendar: Oct. 9-15

Event Calendar: Oct. 9-15

October 9, 2014
Wednesday, Oct. 15 Try a different take on comedy and come see one of America’s preeminent humor authors, David Sedaris, give a talk hosted by Celebrity Series of Boston at the Boston Symphony Hall this Wednesday. Known for his essay collections “Me Talk Pretty One Day” and “Let’s Talk About Diabetes With Owls,” Sedaris was first recognized by NPR in 1992. His books are largely autobiographical, taking a self-deprecating look at his middle class suburban life, jobs, education and obsessive behaviors. Speaking with this trademark style, Sedaris is bound to put on a good show and keep everyone laughing. Boston Symphony Hall, 301 Massachusetts Ave.; 8 p.m.; $45-50.
Column: 10 Things that Happen When You Are the Only American in a Group

Column: 10 Things that Happen When You Are the Only American in a Group

October 9, 2014
At a school with almost 20 percent international students, it’s almost impossible as a Husky not to find yourself at one time or another as the only American in the group. When that time inevitable comes, here are the 10 things that will happen:
MFA to display Goya art

MFA to display Goya art

October 9, 2014
North America’s most substantial exhibition of Goya’s work in 25 years will be unveiled by the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) and on display from Oct. 12 to Jan. 15. “Goya: Order and Disorder” is comprised of 170 drawings, prints and paintings from the MFA’s collection, along with loans from other museums and private collectors, some of which have never entered the United States.
"Gone Girl" hits Boston theaters

“Gone Girl” hits Boston theaters

October 9, 2014
Disguised as detective fiction, “Gone Girl” at its core is the story of an ostensibly happy married couple that goes through a meat-grinder of lay-offs, collapsing families and power struggles—and comes out the other end as a depraved and carnivorous union of sociopaths. It is a close adaptation of the novel of the same title by Gillian Flynn. David Fincher, director of such psychological thrillers as “Fight Club,” “Se7en” and “The Game,” was the perfect candidate to bring this novel to life.
Photo courtesy Lee Delulio

Rapper Talib Kweli speaks at Berklee

October 9, 2014
Talib Kweli, influential rapper and social activist, spoke at Berklee College of Music on Monday for the eighth annual Business of Hip-Hop and Urban Music Symposium.
Festival jazzes up Columbus Avenue

Festival jazzes up Columbus Avenue

October 2, 2014
On Saturday afternoon, families, food lovers and student musicians gathered for the 14th Annual Berklee BeanTown Jazz Festival, which successfully combined three universal favorites: great food, great weather and great music.
Alt-J releases new album

Alt-J releases new album

October 2, 2014
Alt-J is a hard band to figure out. They sound something like a modern art painting looks, perhaps as the album art for their second full-length release suggests. It seems random but with an underriding feeling of precise calculation, not completely accessible, yet easy to digest as long as you don’t think about the finished product too much.
Artist in residence spreads social awareness

Artist in residence spreads social awareness

October 2, 2014
Years of objectification and catcalls may have taught many women that it is safest to swallow the embarrassment and anger and simply ignore their harassers, but Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, the street artist behind the “Stop Telling Women To Smile” anti-street harassment project, isn’t letting it go anymore.
Event Calendar: Oct. 2-8

Event Calendar: Oct. 2-8

October 2, 2014
Entry of The Week: Tuesday, Oct. 7 It’s fashion week in Boston and the Boston En Vogue 2014 charity is hosting its Modern Elegance show at Bijou nightclub this Tuesday. The evening includes live entertainment and an industry-networking hour with representatives from every facet of the fashion industry, including modeling agencies and fashion magazines. Listen to live entertainment and enjoy appetizers before the show, which will showcase the new collections of some of the nation’s top designers. Not only will the show benefit fashion-savvy Bostonians, but it also donates a portion of the proceeds to local non-profit organization Extended Arms Youth Services. Tickets can be purchased at 51 Stuart St.; 8 – 11p.m.; $60.
Band records album on campus

Band records album on campus

October 2, 2014
Most Northeastern students associate Snell library with writing essays, studying into the early morning hours, suffering through group projects and now, recording music? For four students, Snell has become their own personal music studio where they are in the process of producing their first album.