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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Media Matchmaker: Episode 3

Media Matchmaker: Episode 3

Hannah Rosman January 4, 2022

After a bit of a hiatus, the media matchmaker is back in business! Host Hannah Rosman goes solo for this special episode where she discusses popular magazines and suggests their ideal movie or TV matches.

Media Matchmaker: Episode 2

Media Matchmaker: Episode 2

Hannah Rosman March 13, 2021

Host Hannah Rosman is joined by Makenna Harnden to discuss Makenna's favorite movie, Midsommar, and offer up some recommendations for other, similar movies.  

Media Matchmaker: Episode 1

Media Matchmaker: Episode 1

Hannah Rosman February 21, 2021

In this inaugural episode, host Hannah Rosman introduces herself and the podcast and offers recommendations to those who enjoyed the highest-grossing film of all-time — Avengers: Endgame.

The Huntington Huddle: Episode 3

The Huntington Huddle: Episode 3

Mike Puzzanghera December 9, 2020

WRBB Sports Director and Editor-in-Chief Milton Posner joins the show to preview the Northeastern men's basketball season by going over departures, incoming freshmen, and the rest of the CAA.

The Husky Dispatch: Episode 6

Ysabelle Kempe December 3, 2020

How do organizations that revolve around socializing thrive during a socially distant time? Northeastern's Greek life has had to answer that question this semester, and co-host Hannah Rosman spoke with the Panhellenic delegate of her sorority, Tri Sigma, to learn more about what...

The Husky Dispatch: Episode 5

Ysabelle Kempe November 29, 2020

This week, the Husky Dispatch has a temporary co-host, Rachel Erwin. She discussed the world of theatre during covid with Antonio Ocampo-Guzman, the chair of Northeastern's theatre department.  

Hear Me Out: Episode 4

Hear Me Out: Episode 4

Brittany Mendez November 11, 2020

Now more than ever we need political diversity of thought in our classrooms. Sade Adewunmi speaks about her experiences as someone who doesn’t fall on the binary Democrat-Republican spectrum and the importance of learning from views other than your own.   Sources...

The Huntington Huddle: Episode 2

Mike Puzzanghera November 7, 2020

Former sports editor and current campus editor George Barker joins the show to discuss the upcoming women’s hockey season, the return of athletics at NU and the results of the NHL Draft.

Episode 4: The Silver Linings of Social Distancing

Ysabelle Kempe November 6, 2020

This week, The Husky Dispatch checks in with students across campus to hear about the most fun they've had while staying socially distant.

Hear Me Out: Episode 3

Hear Me Out: Episode 3

Brittany Mendez October 23, 2020

NUCR and NUCD presidents talk about their experiences leading the two most prominent political clubs on Northeastern’s campus. From parties to community service, it’s clear they get along better than real politicians. Want to be a guest or have a suggestion for an upcoming...

The Husky Dispatch: Episode 3

Ysabelle Kempe October 18, 2020

How do you build community in a club while staying socially distant? This week, The Husky Dispatch spoke to Northeastern's chapter of Strong Women, Strong Girls to find out.

Hear Me Out: Episode 2

Hear Me Out: Episode 2

Brittany Mendez October 13, 2020

It’s clear Biden and Trump can’t be friends, but can their supporters? In this episode, Jacob Kemp and Garrett Smith discuss why they would or would not be friends with someone supporting the candidate they are not. Want to be a guest or have a suggestion for an upcoming...