By Kaitlin Keane
With the MyDoom virus affecting computers around Northeastern, ResNet offers signs of computer viruses and how to get rid of them:
Basic virus symptoms
* Computer will slow down. * User is informed that computer is sending spam or over-utilizing network bandwidth. * Unusual or unexpected files appear. * Virus warnings appear when opening a file or e-mail attachment.
Preventing viruses
* Install and maintain up-to-date anti virus software and anti virus definitions. * Create a hard-to-guess personal password, and change it often (every 30 days is best). Keep it secret. * Do not allow guest access to the computer. * Never open e-mail messages where you don’t immediately recognize the sender name AND the subject line. * Never open an e-mail attachment unless you expect it, recognize the attachment name and document type. * Avoid opening e-mail messages with confusing, misspelled or nonsensical subject lines. * Configure the computer operating system for automatic updates. * Turn the computer off when not using it. This makes the computer less available to hackers and helps conserve energy. * Be aware of the technology “weather report;” read media reports and campus announcements about viruses, worms and related security threats.
Have a virus? Do this.
* Immediately disconnect the computer from the campus network. * Backup all important files. * Obtain an anti-virus CD and run the program from CD. Attempt to remove all viruses, worms and other malicious software found. * After removing infections, reconnect computer to the network. * Download all recommended operating system and application updates/fixes. * If additional assistance is needed, contact the ResNet resource center.
Information provided by ResNet.