This is in response to Jack Weiland’s sports column entitled “Harvard Band Pinnacle of Geeks” that somehow made it to the Feb. 11 issue of The Northeastern News. I am currently on co-op at Harvard Lamont Library and read the article on the way to work. I soon found myself ashamed to share the same school with such an insolent, judgmental idiot.
This article has no place in The News, a place that is seemingly for serious aspiring journalists, of which Weiland must not be if he thinks this is something to be proud of. At best, this article could have passed in the Northeastern Times New Roman, in which case I wouldn’t be complaining because that is a publication designated for jokes, of which status this column is.
When I arrived at Harvard that morning, I decided to show my co-workers an example of the idiocy I have come to expect at Northeastern. Of course, they were not as surprised as I was, but several of the students he mentioned in his article are or have been employees at Lamont, and I’m sure they would not appreciate being publically ridiculed.
Amidst the recent riots and the bad rep that Northeastern students have recently earned themselves, this was a great testament to every negative stereotype about our school and its students. I sincerely hope that a column of this caliber is never allowed to make its way into The Northeastern News again.
— Caitlin Quigley is a sophomore
anthropology major.