I have never been so compelled to write you until right now. I just read in the latest edition of The Northeastern News that President Richard Freeland has postponed the Springfest concert for 2004. His basis for doing so is punishment for the Super Bowl uprisings, which directly and indirectly led to a tragic death, a great amount of property damage, as well as a demoralizing blow to Northeastern’s reputation, its current and future student body and its alumni.
While some kind of action is justified, punishing the entire student body is not. Furthermore, this kind of consequence undermines the integrity of every student because we “deserve another chance” to essentially prove we are capable of acting within the parameters of proper conduct. We have done it time and time again; one isolated incident, sparked by a few “rogue revelers” (not everyone rioting was an NU student) should not be blamed on the entire student population, nor should we have to shoulder the consequences. With all the tragic events as of late, Northeastern students need unification.
Kudos to the organizers, who must have pulled a lot of strings to get Luda and J5. Shame on you President Freeland for your insensitive decision.
— David Gross is a senior business major.