The recent actions of President Richard Freeland are nothing more than noble and the student population should support them. I find it insulting that students care more about their Student Activities Fee than the reputation of their own school. Students are complaining their money is being “pillaged.” They went so far as to create a Web site ( to petition against the cancellation of a concert. In this Web site they site how much money is being taken out of their Student Activities Fee. Of course, they don’t break it down to a per student cost. Let’s do that now.
According to the Web site in question, each student pays $50 amounting to $707,200 in Student Activities Fees per semester. Springfest is costing us $195,000, which is 27.5 percent of the budget. President Freeland has decided to cancel the concert and effectively lose that $195,000 from student fees. Broken down, this 27.5 percent of an individual student’s fees amounts to a whopping $13.75. Students have argued they want that money paid back to them, they deserve it and they have been robbed of their $13.75. I would say to these students look under your couch cushions at home … I’m sure you’ll find that much there.
This is $13.75 people … not your college tuition. A devastating event has recently happened on our campus and the mature thing to do would be to show compassion to the people hurt by the riots, not throw a party. Many students are asking, “But why is everybody getting punished for the actions of only a few students?”
The answer is simple: the student rioters represented Northeastern and because of this, Northeastern has to face the consequences. If anybody is upset about this decision to cancel the Springfest concert, be upset at the nimrods that flipped cars and lit fires in “celebration.” If you want your $13.75 back, I suggest you go to them.
I find it offensive that anybody can be upset over this decision. It is only a concert. The students making a fuss over this are once again making us look bad in front of the community. I am starting to believe that the same students that participated in the riots are the same ones protesting this decision. I say this because I am trying hard to believe that the majority of the student population is mature, but as time goes by I’m finding more and more are acting childish.
“But I want to see Ludicrous, I want to see Jurassic 5, I paid $13.75 for this, WAH WAH WAH (spittle)!!!”
Grow up.
— Jon Lincoln is a senior marketing major.