Felipe Basso and Kelly Martin were crowned Homecoming King and Queen during halftime of the Huskies’ football game against the University of New Hampshire last Saturday afternoon.
There were 13 students on the court in addition to the winners, who were announced at the 50-yard line through a misting of rain.
Basso, a senior electrical engineering major from Brazil, is also a Resident Assistant in Willis Hall and a member of the Brazilian Organization at Northeastern. He recently organized the “Can I Kiss You?” sexual awareness event taking place this Sunday at 8 p.m. in the Curry Student Center Ballroom.
“It feels good to be recognized for the work I’ve done, my hall and the students I’ve served,” Basso said.
Martin, a senior communication studies major, is the vice president of the Northeastern Student Ambassadors of the Alumni Association and an honor student on the Dean’s List.
“Student Ambassadors is such an amazing group,” Martin said. “It was an honor to represent them. It was so much fun.”
Martin’s win marks the third year in a row a member of the Student Ambassadors has won Homecom-ing Queen. The ratio of votes was changed from 51 percent faculty and 49 percent students to a 50/50 one last year.
“I’m happy with [the result],” said John Jacobs, a middler nursing major. “I think the candidates were good people who contribute to the university in great ways.”
-Staff writer Tim Coughlin