I am writing to report my disgust with what has become of the “Student Newspaper.” Specifically I am filing my complaint against your Sex column. I feel as though college students and our generation in general is bombarded with so much sexual advertisement, suggestion and encouragement that an official “student newspaper” is not the place to further encourage sexual promiscuity.
Your “SEXcapades” column is utterly offensive; it is about the type of topics I would expect to find in an issue of Teen, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Maxim, or some other shallow publication. The recent article “Forks and Spoons” depicts the necessity to hasten through physical acts couples do and to go straight to sex. Your newspaper is clearly advocating sexual activity. What about those (yes, like me) who abstain from sex until marriage? Or those who just aren’t having relationships now? Where is the equality in representing them?
Now I can understand your position in representing the student population. Clearly as the major news publication on campus, you are obligated to publish something that students will read. If sex is such an important issue that it needs to be covered in the student newspaper, maybe it deserves its own publication. I can’t name any major newspaper in the country that has an exclusive Sex column.
Further, as an Orientation Leader last summer and Student Coordinator this summer, I can tell you from personal experience that students and parents specifically are picking up the Northeastern News during their Orientation and reading it. What do you think parents are going to think of our University when they read something like your “SEX-capades?” The same can be said of campus tours when parents and students haven’t even enrolled yet.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that overall, besides this Sex column that you run, I find the Northeastern News to be a great representation of this campus. I feel that you have lost your focus on reporting the relevant news on campus and have veered in the direction of gossip and “what’s hot.” I just don’t want you to continue publishing such articles thinking you have the whole University’s support; because I and many others feel disenfranchised by [this] publication now.
— Greg Chick is a middler communications major.