By Pooja Trevedi, News Correspondent
As summer’s end draws near, one might like to look at what he or she has accomplished in the last few months. Reviewing linear algebra, or solving an evil sudoku puzzle in less than one hour count as accomplishments. But the one thing that seems to be a popular summer pastime is reading (excluding those required for school). Here’s what some Northeastern students had to say about the books they read or are planning on reading:

Matthew Cottle, a middler behavioral neuroscience major, said he has been home for most of the summer and is currently preparing for a semester abroad in Italy. He said he found himself reading a lot of Shakespeare this summer, as well as other favorites such as Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road,” and started (but not yet finished) “As I Lay Dying,” by William Faulker. Cottle’s go-to genre is classic literature and said his favorite place to read (in the winter) is “by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate,” or on the deck in the summer. Of course, he said his ideal place to read is in bed. “Having so much time off hasn’t been a
factor in determining how much I do or do not read,” he said. “If I’m really into a book, I’ll use any excuse to finish it.”

Katherine Wilson, a middler majoring in biology and math, is currently on co-op at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She said she had a busy summer, having already read “The Drunkard’s Walk” by Leonard Mlodinow, “No One You Know” by Michelle Richmond, “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” by Tucker Max, and “Wake” by Lisa McMann. She just started reading “The Year of Living Biblically” by A.J. Jacobs. She said she has procrastinated on one of her books, “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert, which she started in December and has yet to finish. She says that her organizational skills in reading are minimal, although she tries to read as much as she can. Her favorite genres are realistic fiction and memoirs.
“Being on co-op definitely gives me an incentive to read,” she said. “There can be a lot of down time when I’m sitting in with a subject – I work at a hospital research lab – or if it’s a particularly slow shift.”

Matthew Garnes, a middler computer science major, said he has a different approach to reading. He is also on co-op and drives to work every day. He said he utilizes this driving time as an opportunity to listen to audio books. So far, he has listened to Sir Conan Arthur Doyle’s short stories of Sherlock Holmes as well as The Greatest Show on Earth, by Richard Dawkins. He said His favorite genres include historical nonfiction and science-related literature. Like Wilson, he said that being on co-op has given him an incentive to read more.