By Sophie White, News Correspondent

“He’s Just Not That Into You” is a book/movie that is basically a 12-step-program for girls who thrive off of not getting responses via text and who can’t tear themselves away from the “like” button on Facebook. And because women still seem to crave complete ambivalence and disrespect from guys – I mean, who doesn’t – we needed to have a movie made about it too! At 21, I clearly don’t need this romantic intervention, but my 17-year-old self was not as fortunate – which explains why I’ve seen the movie about 20 times. (In my defense, it was always on HBO and Bradley Cooper is hot.)
I always remember advice Justin Long’s character gave about sparks: “Guys invented the ‘spark’ so that they could not call, and treat you kind of bad, and keep you guessing, and they convince you that that anxiety and that fear that they’re throwing at you is actually just a ‘spark.’”
First of all, does the “spark” even exist? I know it does, and it only took one person to prove it. Within ten minutes of our first date, I knew I had never felt anything like this. I apologize in advance for sounding like a 14-year-old girl who stays up late reading “Twilight” under the covers, but I literally felt the “spark” when I looked at him. The “spark” also made me lose my morals and strict rules about sex faster than Lindsay Lohan fresh out of jail. But when you know, you know. Sorry I’m not sorry.
For this reason I’d argue that it is the “spark” that accounts for great sex. How are you going to be down to go down if you don’t feel a special something pulling you in that direction? I’ve had so many instances with guys I truly think are awesome, and I want to hook up with them. Fast-forward to the clothes coming off and I regress to a middle-schooler. A very sexy snort-chuckle appears and it is obvious no one’s Elmo is getting tickled tonight. Sue me if this makes me a tease, because for me, the “spark” is a non-negotiable. One taste of this oh-so-powerful “spark” turned me into one picky bitch. Luckily this has helped me keep my number extremely low, but it has also set the bar from which I compare all potential man candy.
Some are not as limited as I am in the sex department – a lot of my friends enjoy casual sex based on little more than a hot body. Committed relationships, emotional problems, general douchebag qualities – nothing will stand in their way if the dude is DTF and has abs like Channing Tatum’s. For them, the “spark” is not an issue, it doesn’t need to be there since there’s little talking in general. But anyone who knows me knows I love to talk, so I’m not about to throw down unless I’ve gotten my chance to tell you about my dog and ask you about your favorite foods. To me, talking is foreplay – that’s where the first sign of the “spark” appears. I wish I could turn my brain off and enjoy some purely physical sex, but unfortunately I don’t operate like that, those pesky emotions seem to cock-block me – but I can give credit where credit is due. Get on with your bad self and have purely physical sex, don’t mind me getting weird when I ask for every dirty detail.
So clearly the “spark” means something different to everyone who experiences it. And I wonder, does everyone know what this “spark” is like? Not to sound like pitying aunts at holiday parties, but if you don’t, that just means you haven’t met the right person yet. Because you will know when you feel it, and thus can’t be held accountable for any inhibitions you may lose. I don’t care what “He’s Just Not That Into You” says. Just know that the “spark” comes along every once in a while, and I guarantee it is more real than any book or movie.