A Perfect Marriage of Freedom ‘ Justice, Tradition ‘ Modernity -a REAL Solution to Terror
Because it always elects the candidate most exactly in the middle of all voting, RB is “top-dead-center-counter-extremist” ‘ more anti-terrorist than all the recent retrenchments combined. While it would be equally useful for all else, RB’s real power is perhaps most clearly shown in the case of potential tribal-civil war, as in Iraq. Unless the Parliament comes to select its Prime Minister by RB, it may not hold, ‘ the world will be in danger of going to war over some oil well, or multi-ethnic city. RB would be equally useful for all other parliamentary ‘/or presidential systems, cooperatives, collective leaderships, tribal groupings, religious confessions, political parties ‘ associations as well. Because it gives the minorities a real say in which majority member gets chosen, RB is the only thing that will lead to support of any plan more than inadequate confederation. Because it gives all combinations of programs, not just parties, an equal chance, RB is the only thing that’s truly just. Because it provides real-time alternatives to all proposals, from wherever: market, coop or social, RB has brakes, reverse, 3D, hyper-drive ‘ goes sideways. It will result in “phantasmagoric subtlefaction”. Both more liberty and justice can be found in RB than in any ideology. Help put this idea, in time (before “clockwork orange”, “1984” or “category seven”) to as many as possible. The $15,000 cost of a single full-page ad in USA Today, enough to put RB to virtually everyone involved on earth, would be repaid in a year ‘ a half at the pre-9/11 US annual defense spending of $10,000 per family. We imagine running on the single issue of RB, allowing a citizens’ advisory board based on”Organized Communications” (“OC”, small randomly assigned discussion groups electing reps to higher ‘ higher levels by means of RB til one small group, exactly in the middle, remains) to guide us in the rest. You do the same, from the most local on up. (Ten to the power of ten, ten levels of groups of ten, would be sufficient to organized ‘ unite all mankind.) The “additive” form of RB is first choices being counted ‘ then, if noone has 50 %(+), the next choices being added in, ‘ so on, until someone finally does. RB is the sole unchangeable plank ‘ bylaw of the Preferential (as it’s called in Robert’s Rules of Order) Ballot Party, the only practicable third party. How can we ask it of others if we do not have it ourselves? Please see www.preferentialballotparty.org. Gotta be in somebody’s interest.
“Zoe” Norman Zidbeck [email protected], [email protected], POB 38245, Albany, NY 12203