Crime Log: Monday, Nov. 2 to Sunday, Nov. 8

Mike Puzzanghera, news staff

Monday, Nov. 2

1:10 p.m.

An NU student reported her laptop was stolen out of her backpack in Knowles Center. A report was filed.

Tuesday, Nov. 3

10:53 a.m.

The manager of Wollaston’s Market in Marino Recreation Center reported several incidents of shoplifting involving an NU student. A report was filed.

11:46 a.m.

The manager of Wollaston’s Market in Marino Recreation Center reported stopping a shoplifter. Officers reported speaking to the shoplifter, an NU student. A report was filed.

1:54 p.m.

A man unaffiliated with NU reported that someone rummaged through his unlocked vehicle while it was parked in the Renaissance Park Garage. A report was filed.

7:36 p.m.

An NU student reported eight shots were fired in the area of Ruggles Street. Units responded and checked the area. Boston Police, or BPD, and Transit Police responded to assist in checking the area, and BPD assumed jurisdiction. A report was filed.

Friday, Nov. 6

10:06 p.m.

Facilities reported exit signs outside the elevator in Davenport B were vandalized. A report was filed.

Saturday, Nov. 7

3:40 a.m.

A resident assistant, or RA, reported a student in Kerr Hall was highly intoxicated. Officers responded and requested EMS. EMS transported the student to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for further evaluation. A report was filed.

4:47 p.m.

An NU student reported his bike was stolen from in front of White Hall. A report was filed.

11:25 p.m.

An RA in East Village reported the smell of marijuana outside of a room. Officers responded and reported no signs of marijuana, but spoke with multiple NU students who all admitted to drinking alcohol. A report was filed.