Northeastern reopens in-person fitness classes
Northeastern has begun hosting in-person fitness classes at Marino Recreation Center and SquashBusters in accordance with Boston’s move to Step 2 of Phase 3 of the reopening plan.
March 4, 2021
A little more than a month after Marino Recreation Center and SquashBusters Center opened at 25% capacity, indoor in-person fitness classes are back, according to a March 3 News@Northeastern article.
In accordance with Boston’s move on March 1 to Step 2 of Phase 3, indoor recreational and athletic facilities can operate at 50% capacity. During classes, participants are expected to wear a mask covering their mouth and nose and maintain social distancing, which is facilitated by taped squares on the ground.
According to the News@Northeastern article, the usual $50 in-person fitness class fee has been waived for the spring. Currently, 18 in-person classes are listed on the calendar, with the possibility of adding more as interest increases.
As of March 4, Northeastern has a 7-day positivity rate of 0.27% and the city of Boston has 2,345 active cases of COVID-19.