Starting in the fall 2009 semester, Northeastern will offer Gender-Neutral Housing to any student. Contrary to the recent editorial in the Northeastern Patriot, “Gender-Neutral Housing too Progressive,” this is the bottom line: Any student wishing to live in Gender-Neutral Housing will be able to do so, so long as his or her lottery number qualifies for one of the 100 beds that are part of the pilot program for the 2009-10 academic year.
As two of the authors of the proposal to create Gender-Neutral Housing, we would like to set a few other statements from this editorial straight as well.
First, Gender-Neutral Housing was never intended to house exclusively gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender students. In actuality, it was never intended to house a specific group of any type. It was designed to provide another housing option for students on campus, specifically those students that did not feel comfortable living with a student of the same sex. It is the antithesis of the program to create an interview or review process for students to live in Gender-Neutral Housing. It is a program that is open to all and removes a policy that some students have felt limited their options in the past.
Secondly, under current housing policy, there is nothing preventing homosexual couples from living together. This new program will open up the possibility for heterosexual couples to live in adjoining single rooms that share a common bathroom. For a variety of reasons, including potential mid-year break-ups, it is encouraged that any couple, homosexual or heterosexual, does not live together.
The Student Government Association (SGA) and Resident Student Association (RSA) continually strive to make Northeastern a more inclusive campus. It was the decision of both the Senate and the General Council to support the proposal for the creation of Gender-Neutral Housing and it was a great step for the university when Senior Vice President for Enrollment and Student Life, Philomena Mantella approved the pilot program last month.
In addition to Gender-Neutral Housing, SGA and RSA have worked with the Department of Residential Life and Housing Services to establish additional new housing options for the 2009-10 academic year. These include Creative Expressions, Fraternity and Sorority Leadership, and International Living Learning Communities, all in our effort to expand upperclassman housing options.
It is with great sadness that SGA and RSA see a group of students on our campus singled out in the way that the editorial in the Northeastern Patriot has done. We encourage open discussion on all issues at Northeastern, but such a discussion should be done with consideration of all of the facts. Should any students have further concerns or questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].
– Ryan Fox is the Vice President for Student Services in the Student Government Association and Matthew Soleyn is the Vice President for Housing Services in the Resident Student Association.