Just as the Notorious BIG said, “mo’ money, mo’ problems.” The students of Northeastern have spoken and voted Student Financial Services the office most likely to give them the run-around.
Try as he might, Dean of Student Financial Services, Seamus Harreys, has a goal of disassociating “NU Shuffle” with the office that he heads. Whether it’s the blocks on a student’s schedule, the long lines twisting throughout Richards Hall at the beginning of the quarter (soon to be semester) or having grants and loans credited to the wrong account — financial services is still ranked at the top.
Well … sort of.
At least the office is consistent; they won the same honor last year as well. But honestly, people are always sensitive when it comes to money — especially their money. But don’t take it all out on Seamus, he’s trying to turn the tide and make a difference. Harreys represents the new NU, not the old Shuffle-ridden institution. For instance, take a look at all of the clever mailings that his office has sent out regarding semester conversion; at least they are trying to keep the student in the loop.
But if they keep this up, who will dominate this category in the years to come? Just like rubbing the Husky’s nose in Richards, Springfest, Homecoming or the enormous lines in the dining halls the first few weeks of fall quarter [semester]. What will happen if the run-around is extinct from financial services?
Will another department be able to fill the shoes of the notorious office? Only time will tell. In the meantime, if you’re waiting in a winding line and you start to feel hopeless, take a deep breath and tell the desk attendant that Seamus sent you — it works every time.
— Heather Allen