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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Relief drives offer support for soldiers’ families

February 15, 2005

Since her brother was killed in combat in Iraq last year, Alexa DelGreco has received countless letters of support from all over the nation. "It's strangely comforting to get them," said DelGreco, an administrative assistant in the School of Nursing, in an e-mail. DelGreco's...

Student rides to finals in Red Bull contest

February 15, 2005

By Chris Brook While television commercials suggest the product will give you wings, the energy drink Red Bull could be giving more than a power boost to freshman animation major Michael Holland. After seeing a flyer in the Curry Student Center Bookstore last fall, Holland,...

Newbury store lets customers control purse strings

February 15, 2005

By Emily Unsworth Lately, it seems as though for women everywhere, the purse has become the new "pink." Thanks to shows like "Sex and the City," having dozens of purses, one to match every sock or hair tie, is not all that uncommon. Here in Boston, whether it's Louis Vuitton...

Women take down Terriers in consolation game

February 15, 2005

By Gayle Simone After being defeated by Harvard University in the first round of the Beanpot Tournament, Northeastern bounced back with a 4-0 shutout over club team Boston University Tuesday night at Matthews Arena. Linda Desruisseaux, Jill Lizotte and Jen Bergeron had multiple...

Commentary: Land of the free, home of the censored?

February 14, 2005

One of the gravest violations of democracy in recent memory took place in upstate New York when a speaking engagement featuring Professor Ward Churchill was canceled due to the threat of violence. Churchill has gained notoriety for controversial comments surrounding the September...

All Hail: Bike club needs to take a hike

February 14, 2005

Man, bikes are sweet. Like, really sweet. Banana seats, streamers, pegs, those curly handlebars that look like a ram's horns -- all uber-sweet. I've had a lot of good times on bikes since my parents gave me my first ride -- a tricycle to steer down the giant Oregonian hill that...

Letter to the Editor: MBTA rant leaves commuter with bitter taste

February 14, 2005

By Chris Cerrato In response to the Feb. 2 issue's "All Hail" ("Massachusetts Bay Transportation Aw-crap-I-missed-it-Authority) the first thing that came to my mind was "What a whiny drama queen." I also travel to campus via the Franklin Line from Norfolk (and have been doing...

What goes up, must go up

February 14, 2005

Sallie Mae will be receiving phone calls from a lot of upset students this week. When the Committee on Funding Priorities made a recommendation to the University Budget Committee for the 4.5 percent increase for 2005, they were acting on a verbal agreement reached in committee...

Column: You Have My Word

February 14, 2005

By Hilary McMurray Scholars have circulated thousands of theories as to why women don't run the world. Women have been called the weaker sex. We are said to be more emotional, more caring and more nurturing, and somehow this has translated into meaning we are incapable of making...

NU Student Websites

February 14, 2005

I have a suggestion for an article. A lot of press has been given to the surge in weblogs. I'm aware of a few weblogs on campus and I think it'd be interesting to do maybe a profile on a blogger or a piece on a few bloggers. Here are links to four blogs/websites run by NU...

Editorial Cartoon

February 14, 2005

By Alexis Yavne

Commentary: ESPNot nearly enough quality television

February 14, 2005

By Steve Sears I may have to split with ESPN. I found myself watching pro bowling a few Sundays ago. I'll watch anything they put on, because it is ESPN, and it must be a sport worth my time. Sure, you can eat pizza, smoke a Camel and drink a gallon of beer while bowling,...