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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

Crime Logs

Crime Log: Sept. 13 – Sept. 18

September 21, 2016
Crime of the Week: Tuesday, Sept. 13 1:02 p.m. A Northeastern University (NU) student reported being friended on Facebook by a woman on Facebook who asked him to Skype. During the Skype session he exposed himself and the woman later informed him if he did not wire her $500 she would send the video to all of his friends. A report was filed.

CRIME LOG: Sept. 5 – Sept. 11

September 14, 2016

Compiled by Stephanie Eisemann, news staff Crime of the Week: Sunday, Sept. 11 9:51 p.m. A Northeastern University (NU) staff member reported a large knife and a puddle of blood in the first floor men's room of the Marino Center. Northeastern University Police Department...

Crime Log: Aug. 29 – Sept. 5

September 7, 2016
Crime of the Week: Wednesday, August 31 11:40 p.m. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) stopped a woman, unaffiliated with Northeastern University (NU), who identified herself as Adora Brewse. She was observed walking in the middle of Columbus Avenue with an open can of alcohol and was placed under arrest for disorderly conduct. NUPD transported the woman to Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority police for booking. They found the woman had given a fake name and held both a positive criminal history and a positive warrant. The woman was arrested and a report was filed.

Crime Log: Aug.15 – 21

August 29, 2016
Crime of the Week: Wednesday, Aug. 17 12:15 a.m. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) reported a suspect who approached three men in Ruggles Station and threatened them with a firearm. The suspect then took an orange scooter from one of the victims and fled toward Melnea Cass Boulevard. NUPD located the scooter by the tennis courts on Ruggles Street. Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Transit Police was notified and the victim, unaffiliated with Northeastern University (NU), took possession of his scooter and was sent on his way. MBTA Transit Police assumed jurisdiction.

Crime Log: Aug. 8 – Aug. 14

August 21, 2016
Crime of the Week: Tuesday, Aug. 9 8:41 a.m. A Popeye's Chicken employee reported smoke coming from the roof of the Curry Student Center but did not observe signs of a fire. No alarms were triggered. Boston Fire Department (BFD) was notified and Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) reported the hot water machine was filling the room with steam, causing it to release from the ceiling. The machine was shut off and a technician was called to service it.

Crime Log: Aug. 1 – Aug. 7

August 10, 2016
Crime of the Week: Friday, Aug. 5 12:01 p.m. A Northeastern University (NU) alumnus called to report observing four juvenile males attempting to steal a bike from Huntington Avenue. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) observed three subjects on bikes on Gainsborough Street near the Egan Access Road. NUPD spoke with the subjects and contacted the alumnus, who positively identified them as three of the four males he had seen stealing the bicycle. NUPD reported one party had bolt cutters and one had a BB gun. The parents of all parties were contacted and met with NUPD. The males were banned from all NU property and a report was filed.

Crime Log: July 25 – July 31

August 7, 2016
Crime of the Week: Thursday, July 28 4:20 p.m. A Residence Director reported a man on Speare Place beating his chest and yelling. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) responded and found the subject, unaffiliated with Northeastern University (NU), had a positive criminal history and an outstanding warrant for his arrest. The man was taken into custody at 4:27 p.m. The subject was also found to be in possession of a laptop he could not prove ownership for, and will be charged with receiving stolen property over $250. A report was filed.

Crime Log: July 18 – July 23

July 28, 2016
Crime of the Week: Saturday, July 23 1:46 p.m. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) reported that a small group of students was filming in a Snell Library classroom and one student had a BB gun. Upon arriving, NUPD found an M22 6-millimeter Beretta-style BB gun painted black to make it look real. NUPD confiscated the BB gun and filed a report.

Crime Log: July 11 – July 17

July 20, 2016
Crime of the Week: Saturday, July 16 12:49 a.m. A proctor in Willis Hall reported an intoxicated person in the lobby. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) responded and spoke to the Northeastern University (NU) intern, who was not alert, before requesting Emergency Medical Services (EMS). EMS cleared the intern and NUPD sent him on his way. However, he started punching the wall after EMS left and was arrested at 1:14 a.m. He will be charged with resisting arrest and assault and battery on a police officer for head-butting an NUPD officer. NUPD also confiscated two fake ID cards from him. A report was filed.

Crime Log: July 4 – July 11

July 13, 2016
Crime of the Week: Monday, July 11 4:16 a.m. Boston Police Department (BPD) reported shots were fired in the area of Ruggles Street. Seven shots were reported and Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) assisted BPD to check the area. BPD reported a man running into an off-campus building on Cabot Street and checked the building to find shell casings in the hallway. No people were located and BPD assumed jurisdiction.

Crime Log: June 27 – July 3

July 6, 2016
Crime of the Week: Monday, June 27 11:51 a.m. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) spoke with the driver of a Massachusetts-registered vehicle, unaffiliated with Northesatern University (NU), in front of the Mugar Life Sciences building. NUPD requested Boston Police Department (BPD) after observing ballistic damage to the vehicle. The driver reported the damage took place on Blue Hill Avenue, but he had not reported it to BPD. At 12:59 p.m., BPD called NUPD to advise that officers already had photographs of the vehicle and would not be responding. Todisco Towing was notified to collect the vehicle and police found that the driver’s license had expired. NUPD confiscated a baseball bat and machete from the vehicle before it was towed. The driver will be summonsed to court for possession of a dangerous weapon.

Crime Log: June 20 – June 26

June 29, 2016
Crime of the Week: Sunday, June 26 7:43 p.m. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) reported a dispute between two people at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and St. Botolph Street. NUPD reported the two individuals, unaffiliated with Northeastern University (NU), had gotten into a verbal altercation after one party almost hit the other with a car on the sidewalk. While NUPD was on the scene, one individual struck the other in the face. The two were separated, no injuries were reported and both parties were sent on their way. The subject will be summonsed to court for assault and battery.