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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

Crime Logs

CRIME LOG: JAN. 23 – JAN. 29

February 5, 2017
Crimes reported to the Northeastern University Police Department from Monday, Jan. 23 to Sunday, Jan. 29.

CRIME LOG: JAN. 16 – JAN. 22

January 26, 2017
Crimes reported to the Northeastern University Police Department from Monday, Jan. 16 to Sunday, Jan. 22.


January 19, 2017
Crimes reported to the Northeastern University Police Department from Monday, Jan. 9 to Sunday, Jan. 16.


January 11, 2017
Crimes reported to the Northeastern University Police Department from Monday, Jan. 2 to Sunday, Jan. 8.

Crime log: Nov. 21 – 27

December 1, 2016
Crimes reported to the Northeastern University Police Department from Monday, Nov. 21 to Sunday, Nov. 27.

Crime log: Nov. 7 – Nov. 13

November 16, 2016
Crimes reported to the Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) from Monday, Nov. 7 to Sunday, Nov. 13.

Crime log: Oct. 31 – Nov. 6

November 9, 2016
Crimes reported to the Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) between Monday, Oct. 31 and Sunday, Nov. 6.

Crime log: Oct. 24 – Oct. 30

November 3, 2016
Crimes reported to the Northeastern University Police Department from Monday, Oct. 24 to Sunday, Oct. 30.

Crime Log: Oct. 17 – Oct. 23

October 27, 2016
Crimes reported to the Northeastern University Police Department from Monday, Oct. 17 to Sunday, Oct. 23.

Crime Log: Oct. 3 – Oct. 10

October 13, 2016
Crime of the week: Saturday, Oct. 8 1:22 p.m. Boston Police Department (BPD) reported an armed robbery with a firearm at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Columbus Avenue. Subjects fled the area toward Boston Medical Center in a black car with the Zipcar logo on the side. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) checked the area with negative results and BPD assumed jurisdiction.

Crime Log: Sept. 26 – Oct. 3

October 5, 2016
Crime of the Week: Wednesday, Sept. 28 10:35 p.m. NUPD stopped two people in Carter Park and requested EMS after observing a man inject what appeared to be heroin. EMS arrived and transported the subject, unaffiliated with NU, to Boston Medical Center. NUPD reported having to use Narcan prior to EMS arrival and two officers went to the hospital for evaluation after possible unprotected exposure. The man's companion was identified and found to have a warrant out for possession of a Class B substance. She was placed under arrest and transported to Transit Police headquarters for booking. A report was filed.

Crime log: Sept. 19 – Sept. 26

September 29, 2016
Crime of the Week: Tuesday, Sept. 20 5:15 p.m. Boston Police Department (BPD) reported a stabbing near Speare Place. Numerous callers confirmed a man with blood all over him was walking near Stetson West and the Fenway. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD), BPD, Boston Fire Department (BFD) and Boston Emergency Medical Services (EMS) arrived on the scene. Witnesses stated that after the male went toward the Fenway, he walked toward Cahners Hall. NUPD checked the area with negative results and no further information was available, as witnesses only saw one man leave the area and did not see the stabbing occurred. BPD located the victim, unaffiliated with NU, at Agassiz Way and Park Drive. BPD assumed jurisdiction.