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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Increased polarization in recent years have rung alarms for many about the political fate of our country.

Op-ed: Polarization is the inevitable fate of the two-party system

Mia Merchant, contributor December 7, 2020

It’s what George Washington warned against in his farewell address: the bitter partisan divides and false loyalties as a result of our opposing parties have come true. But Washington anticipated fights over country loyalties, involvement in wars and petty political games. Today,...

The Northeastern administration has not implemented a pass/fail system this semester.

Op-ed: Northeastern should implement universal pass/fail

Edith Olmsted, contributor December 3, 2020

Universal opt-in pass/fail is the correction to NUflex’s failures.  Pass/fail, the system by which students can forgo a formal letter grade and either pass or fail a class, is just as necessary now as it was when Northeastern offered it in the spring semester. The problems...

A vaccine is almost ready to be distributed to the public, but significant social barriers remain.

Op-ed: A COVID-19 vaccine is almost ready. We need to convince the American public to take it.

Lucas Cooperman, contributor December 2, 2020

When the coronavirus began to ravage the United States this past March, Americans were largely caught by surprise and had to play catch-up in order to slow the deadly virus’ spread. We needed a plan, and we did not have one.  The drastic lack of governmental precautions...

Some question the sincerity of activism performed by large companies.

Op-ed: Fast fashion companies need to stop hiding behind performance activism

Maeve Singer, contributor November 25, 2020

In the months leading up to the 2020 U.S. election, social media apps I regularly use aggressively encouraged young people to exercise their right to vote. These apps provided links to voter registration websites and directions to the nearest polling stations. Some companies...

Op-ed: I’m not a socialist or a Trump supporter. Is there a place for me in American politics?

Op-ed: I’m not a socialist or a Trump supporter. Is there a place for me in American politics?

Arjun Ramachandrula, contributor November 25, 2020

As President Donald J. Trump refuses to concede the election, despite being defeated by former Vice President Joe Biden, the gap between people on the left and those on the right could not be further apart. Although there are reasonable members on both sides, the two factions...

The Electoral College is a unique feature of the American electoral system.

Op-ed: The Electoral College is an erosion of American democracy

Elena Plumb, contributor November 12, 2020

In response to President Donald J. Trump’s calls to “stop the count” of legally-casted mail-in ballots, protestors gathered in the streets of several U.S. cities, hoisting picket signs denouncing his administration and chanting “count every vote.” However, President...

Students eat in one of Northeastern's dining halls.

Op-ed: Swipe2Care must be revisited during the pandemic

Mia Merchant, contributor November 9, 2020

We’re all slaves to the private education system, whether we acknowledge it or not. We all know colleges in America are set up to make profits. But what excuse could they make for not feeding their students? As a first-year, I didn’t realize the Swipe2Care system at Northeastern...

Protests against police brutality have gripped Nigeria in recent weeks.

Op-ed: Why Americans need to care about global unrest

Zeynep Tuncer, contributor November 7, 2020

In the midst of one of the most pressing presidential elections in the United States, it may seem difficult to divert attention away from anything that isn’t about the election. The past few months, however, have made it abundantly clear why Americans must start directing their...

Claudia Conway has come under scrutiny recently for her unfiltered political content.

Op-ed: We shouldn’t scrutinize Claudia Conway’s every move

Clara McCourt, contributor November 6, 2020

Claudia Conway is a changemaker. She leaked political information and caused a senior White House official to resign from their job — and she’s only 16 years old.  Conway is the daughter of former White House Senior Counselor Kellyanne Conway and Lincoln Project co-founder...

Northeastern should become a leader in campus environmental sustainability.

Op-ed: Northeastern needs to go the extra mile in its sustainability efforts

Maeve Singer, contributor November 5, 2020

A couple days ago, my friend told me an unfortunate story about a man she saw getting off the T with reusable bags filled with Haymarket vegetables and fruits. As he stepped off the train, the bags spilled and the produce rolled all over the station platform, and both of us felt...

A staff member shares their perspective on the spring 2021 teaching policies.

Op-ed: An open letter to Northeastern students, from a staff member

November 4, 2020

Editor’s note: The News has confirmed the identity of this staff member, who has elected to remain anonymous for fear of professional retaliation. Dear students, I am writing this in response to the letter you received from a professor published on Oct. 29. While I understand...

With election results slowly rolling in, some friendships might be at stake.

Op-ed: Don’t be friends with radical members of the other party

Arjun Ramachandrula, contributor November 4, 2020

With the election ever so relevant, the gap between Democrats and Republicans couldn’t be wider. Nearly every issue is hotly debated, and the chasm between ideologies is larger than at almost any other point in history. Especially with the rise of social media, many people...